Reputation: 259
i've created a Dispatch group in which three concurrent queues are running and then notifies group for update, which is going good and all this i've put in a function with completion issue i'm facing is completion handler get called before queue execution completes .how can i resolve this, please advice?
func loadCompaniesFromSynch(_ data: Data, completionHandler: @escaping(String) -> ())
var companyFile = ""
companies = [Company]()
let batchGroup = DispatchGroup()
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "Batch Queue", qos: .background, attributes: .concurrent)
if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: self.fileMgr.getDocumentPath()) {
companyFile = self.fileMgr.getDocumentFilePath(self.fileMgr.getCacheData(constants!.COMPANIES_LAST_SYNCH_DATE) as! String)
let dataOld: Data = try! Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: companyFile),options: NSData.ReadingOptions.uncached)
let oldCompanies: NSArray! = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: dataOld, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers)) as? [[String:Any]] as NSArray!
let newCompanyObj: NSDictionary? = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers)) as? NSDictionary
var company: Company?
if newCompanyObj?.count > 0 {
if let companies = oldCompanies
for com in companies as! [[String: AnyObject]]
company = Company()
company!.orgCode = com["ORG_CODE"] as? String
company!.orgDescription = com["ORG_DESCRIPTION"] as? String
if let btlOrg = com["OBX_BTL_CODE"] as? String
company!.orgBtlCode = btlOrg
company!.orgBtlDescription = com["BTL_DESCRIPTION"] as? String
company!.orgStatus = com["ORG_STATUS"] as! String?
company = nil
print("loadCompaniesFromSynch >> oldCompanies >>\(oldCompanies.count) Comapnies Count \(self.companies!.count)")
var dataDict = Dictionary<String,String>()
if let json = newCompanyObj as NSDictionary!
if let companies = json["RESULTS"] as? NSDictionary
if let companiesNew = companies["COMPANIES"] as? [[String: AnyObject]]
// for com in companiesNew
let addArray = companiesNew.filter { $0["ORG_STATUS"] as! String == ComapnyStatus.ADD.rawValue}
let deleteArray = companiesNew.filter { $0["ORG_STATUS"] as! String == ComapnyStatus.DELETED.rawValue}
let updateArray = companiesNew.filter { $0["ORG_STATUS"] as! String == ComapnyStatus.UPDATE.rawValue}
var addCompanies: [Company]?
var updateCompanies:[Company]?
var comapnySet = Set(self.companies!)
queue.async(group: batchGroup)
if (addArray.count > 0 )
addCompanies = [Company]()
for (index,item) in addArray.enumerated()
let company = self.returnComapnyOjectfromDictionary(item as NSDictionary)
print("add loop----\(index)")
queue.async(group: batchGroup) {
if updateArray.count > 0
updateCompanies = [Company]()
for (index,item) in updateArray.enumerated()
let company = self.returnComapnyOjectfromDictionary(item as NSDictionary)
print("update loop----\(index)")
queue.async(group: batchGroup) {
for (_,item) in deleteArray.enumerated()
let company = self.returnComapnyOjectfromDictionary(item as NSDictionary)
_ = self.removeObject(&self.companies!,object: company)
batchGroup.notify(queue: .global(qos: .background))
if updateCompanies?.count == updateArray.count{
//self.companies = Array(comapnySet)
print("count before \(self.companies?.count)")
self.companies = Array(comapnySet)
// self.companies = Array(comapnySet.intersection(Set(updateCompanies!)))
print("after delete \(self.companies?.count)")
self.companies!.append(contentsOf: updateCompanies!)
print("update array count \(updateArray.count) ----- and update Companies count --\(self.companies?.count)")
updateCompanies = nil
if addCompanies?.count == addArray.count
self.companies!.append(contentsOf: addCompanies!)
print("add array count \(addArray.count) ----- and add Companies count --\(addCompanies?.count)")
addCompanies = nil
//**Below code is executed before queue completion**
if let status = json["STATUS"] as? String
dataDict[self.constants!.defaultsKeys.RESPONSE_STATUS] = status
if let message = json["MESSAGE"] as? String
dataDict[self.constants!.defaultsKeys.RESPONSE_MESSAGE] = message
var newCompanyArray:Array<AnyObject> = []
var dict = Dictionary<String,String>()
for cmp in self.companies!
dict["ORG_CODE"] = cmp.orgCode
dict["ORG_DESCRIPTION"] = cmp.orgDescription
dict["OBX_BTL_CODE"] = cmp.orgBtlCode
dict["BTL_DESCRIPTION"] = cmp.orgBtlDescription
dict["ORG_STATUS"] = cmp.orgStatus
newCompanyArray.append(dict as AnyObject)
let isValidJson = JSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(newCompanyArray)
if newCompanyArray.count > 0 && isValidJson
let companyCount = newCompanyArray.count - oldCompanies.count
let replaceComCount = self.utility!.replace(self.constants!.logs.LOG_COMPANY_SYNC_END,originalString: "<COUNT>",withString: "\(companyCount)")
self.parser!.setLogValueToXml(replaceComCount, logType:
self.constants!.logs.LOG_TYPE_ACTIVITY, fileLogType: "")
let dataFinal:Data = try! newCompanyArray, options: [])
self.fileMgr.removeFile(self.fileMgr.getDocumentFilePath(self.fileMgr.getCacheData(self.constants!.COMPANIES_LAST_SYNCH_DATE) as! String))
let compniesFileName = "Companies_\(self.dateUtil.getCurrentDateTime())" //logic is to be use in synch
self.fileMgr.setCacheData(compniesFileName as AnyObject, key: self.constants!.COMPANIES_LAST_SYNCH_DATE)
self.fileMgr.writeFile(NSString(data: dataFinal, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!,fileName :self.fileMgr.getCacheData(self.constants!.COMPANIES_LAST_SYNCH_DATE) as! String,documentDir:self.fileMgr.getDocumentPath())
} .background).async
self.loadCompaniesFromSynch(jNsData, completionHandler:
companyFile in
if !companyFile.isEmpty
Upvotes: 2
Views: 870
Reputation: 19602
You are mixing up a lot of things. You are trying to get notified, but also you are trying to wait.
Your completion()
handler and the code marked with
//Below code is executed before queue completion"
is called/running outside your notification block...
AFAICS, there is no reason to use notify
or wait
whithin loadCompaniesFromSynch()
, as you do do not call any async tasks in it.
How I understand, what you want to do is to do your heavy io stuff in the background. In this case, delete all the DispatchGroup
stuff and dispatch the hole function. No need to wait/notify, as you are using a completion handler. Check the following to get the idea:
func loadCompaniesFromSynch(_ data: Data, completionHandler: @escaping(String) -> ()) {
// dispatch the whole thing to the global background queue .background).async {
// your original code with all DispatchGroup stuff deleted
// call completion handler on main queue, so the caller does not have to care
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.loadCompaniesFromSynch(jNsData) {
companyFile in
// do stuff after loadCompaniesFromSynch finished
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 2