Reputation: 23
I have these files
Irrational Man.pdf
Il Ponte Delle Spie (2015).pdf
Le Ragazze della Terra Sono Facili.pdf
Star Wars Il Risveglio Della Forza.pdf
My script (look below) make this situation:
but I should to order files also by genre inside each year folder like so:
Strings inside Text4.txt is so formatted
Irrational Man (2015) #Commedy#
Il Ponte Delle Spie (2015) #Thriller#
Interiors (1978) #dramatic#
Le Ragazze della Terra Sono Facili (1989) #adventure, comedy#
Star Wars Il Risveglio Della Forza (2015) #science fiction, adventure, comedy#
For each files moved inside year folders like
I need to order each files inside by genre also that I find in Text4.txt
This is the folder structure that I expected (files are only with .pdf extensions)
| |_Interiors.pdf
|__adventure, comedy
| |_Le Ragazze della Terra Sono Facili.pdf
| |_Irrational Man.pdf
|__ science fiction, adventure, comedy
| |_Star Wars Il Risveglio Della Forza.pdf
|__ thriller
|_Il Ponte Delle Spie (2015).pdf
This is code that I use
$movies = @()
(get-content C:\Path\Test4.txt) | foreach($_){
$properties = @{
date = $_.substring($_.IndexOf("(")+1,4)
name = $_.substring(0,$_.IndexOf("("))
write-host $date
write-host $name
$movies += New-Object PSObject -Property $properties
$torrentFiles = dir $torrentPath
foreach($movie in $movies){
$datePath = "C:\Path\$($"
if(-not(test-path $datePath)) {
new-item $datePath -ItemType "directory"
$words = ($ -split '\s') | ?{ $_.Length -gt 1}
$significant = $words.Count
foreach($torrentFile in $torrentFiles){
$matchingWords = 0
foreach($word in $words){
if($torrentFile.BaseName -match $word){
$matchingWords += 1
if($matchingWords -ge $significant){
Move-Item -path $torrentfile -Destination $datePath
I try to add genre variable with regex to delimitate position of string to make the correctly folders
$properties = @{
date = $_.substring($_.IndexOf("(")+1,4)
name = $_.substring(0,$_.IndexOf("("))
genre = $_.substring($_.IndexOf("#")$"#")
write-host $date
write-host $name
write-host $genre
But I can't understand how implement genre variable inside this piece of code
$words = ($ -split '\s') | ?{ $_.Length -gt 1}
$significant = $words.Count
foreach($torrentFile in $torrentFiles){
$matchingWords = 0
foreach($word in $words){
if($torrentFile.BaseName -match $word){
$matchingWords += 1
Upvotes: 0
Views: 116
Edit completed the script, but can't test the $torrentfiles/part Especially the word count.
Please change the vars $File $Base and $torrentpath to fit your needs.
$File = ".\Text4.txt"
$Base = "C:\Path\"
$torrentPath = "."
$movies = @()
## Evaluate RegEx
$RegEx = '^(?<Name>[^\(]+)\(.*?(?<Date>\d+)\).#(?<Genre>[^#]+)#.*$'
(get-content $File ) | foreach{
If ($_ -match $RegEx){
$properties = @{
date = $matches.Date
name = $matches.Name
genre = $matches.Genre
$movies += New-Object PSObject -Property $properties
$torrentFiles = Dir $torrentPath
foreach($movie in $movies){
$DateGenrePath = "$Base$($\$($movie.genre)"
if(!(test-path $DateGenrePath)) {
new-item $DateGenrePath -ItemType "directory"
$words = ($ -split '\s') | ?{ $_.Length -gt 1}
$significant = $words.Count
foreach($torrentFile in $torrentFiles){
$matchingWords = 0
foreach($word in $words){
if($torrentFile.BaseName -match $word){
$matchingWords += 1
if($matchingWords -ge $significant){
Move-Item -Path $torrentFile -Destination $DateGenrePath -whatif
To see the RegEx working, visit
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17462
my solution
#template for describe your datas
{Title*:Word1 word2} ({Year:1234}) #{Categories:Category1}#
{Title*:Word3} ({Year:4567}) #{Categories:Category2, Category1, Category3}#
{Title*:Word5 Word6} ({Year:1956}) #{Categories:Category1 Category2, Category3, Category4}#
#cut datas and build list with all necessery data
$listdata=gc C:\temp\text4.txt | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | %{
$listdata | %{New-Item -ItemType Directory $_.PathAfter -Force; Move-Item $_.PathBefore $_.PathAfter -Force }
Upvotes: 1