Reputation: 77
I'm trying to perform a GET Request in elm. The function returns a Task that I am trying to perform. Unfortunately, my reference material is Elm 0.17 and what I have gathered is that the signatur for Task.perform has changed.
fetchTasks: MyModel -> String -> Platform.Task Http.Error (Dict String MyTask)
fetchTasks model apiUrl=
{ method = "GET"
, headers = [ Http.header "Content-Type" "application/json"
, Http.header "Authorization" model.token ]
, url = apiUrl
, body = Http.emptyBody
, expect = Http.expectJson (dict taskDecoder)
, timeout = Nothing
, withCredentials = False }
|> Http.request
|> Http.toTask
fetchTaskCmd : MyModel -> String -> Cmd Msg
fetchTaskCmd model apiUrl =
Task.perform AuthError GetTasksSuccess <| fetchTasks model apiUrl
This is my function for the GET Request and the command that performs the tasks. The AuthError and GetTasksSuccess are both Messaged that I have defined. What I have read in the Elm Docs that the new signatur for task perform is
perform : (a -> msg) -> Task Never a -> Cmd msg
What do I have to do to implement to get my command working?
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Views: 1415
Reputation: 21005
The changes are bigger than you suggest, with the Http library now working primarily with Commands, and not tasks. So the way to write it now is:
makeRequest model apiUrl=
{ method = "GET"
, headers = [ Http.header "Content-Type" "application/json"
, Http.header "Authorization" model.token ]
, url = apiUrl
, body = Http.emptyBody
, expect = Http.expectJson (dict taskDecoder)
, timeout = Nothing
, withCredentials = False }
fetchTaskCmd : (Result Error a -> Msg) -> MyModel -> String -> Cmd Msg
fetchTaskCmd msgConstructor model apiUrl =
Http.send msgConstructor (makeRequest model apiUrl)
If you want to use tokens you might also want to consider using my elm-jwt library to help.
Upvotes: 2