Reputation: 770
I usually manage to find what I'm doing wrong just browsing existing questions, but here, nothing has helped.
I'm working with a simple Ng2 module that attempts to list and update the contents of a NeDB store.
Mind you, I have no issues with the NeDB store, I have confirmed that it gets updated correctly, and correctly loaded initially, so the problems I have lie elsewhere.
The problems I have are the following:
"the async pipe doesn't work".
I have this module.
imports: [CommonModule],
exports: [],
declarations: [WikiComponent],
providers: [WikiDbService],
export class WikiModule { }
I have this component.
selector: 'wiki',
templateUrl: './wiki.component.html'
export class WikiComponent implements OnInit {
items: Observable<WikiItem[]>;
constructor(private _db : WikiDbService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.items = this._db.items;
next: x => console.log("got value", x),
error: e => console.error("observable error", e),
complete: () => console.log("done")
I have this template.
<p>{{items | async | json}}</p>
<li *ngFor="let item of (items | async)">{{}}</li>
<input #newName (keyup)="0">
<button (click)="_db.addByName(newName.value)">ADD</button>
And I have this service.
export class WikiDbService {
private sub: BehaviorSubject<WikiItem[]> = new BehaviorSubject<WikiItem[]>([]);
private db: DataStore;
public items: Observable<WikiItem[]> = this.sub.asObservable();
constructor() {
console.log("BehaviorSubject", this.sub);
console.log("Observable", this.items);
this.db = new DataStore(
filename: path.join(app.getAppPath(),"wiki.db"),
autoload: true,
if(!err) {
(e,docs) => {
if(!e) {;
public add(v: WikiItem) {
(e, nDoc) =>
if(!e) {[...this.sub.getValue(),nDoc]);
public addByName(str:string) {
this.add({name: str, _id: undefined});
When routing to my component with a non-empty persistent store I get the following console log (corresponding to the logging in the OnInit method of the component):
got value > [] (wiki.component.ts:20)
got value > [Object, Object, Object, Object] (wiki.component.ts:20)
However my DOM stays as this:
<!--template bindings={
"ng-reflect-ng-for-of": ""
So a manual subscription to my observable does work and gets me the values. But the async pipe doesn't get them.
Am I doing something wrong here, or is this a bug?
12/19/16 3:45pm
directive was "let item of items | async" before, and I thought maybe the async pipe was scoped to the item and not my observable so I added brackets, but results were unchanged. This is not relevant for the issue.
12/20/16 3.06pm
As per @olsn's advice, Initialized the component's items
property with an auto-log, to check if the template subscribed to the Observable.
It does. So it comes down to detecting the changes, I guess. Amending the title.
Adding this bit of information : My Component is now as such (commented changes)
selector: 'wiki',
templateUrl: './wiki.component.html',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush // <=== I've read this might help. It doesn't.
export class WikiComponent implements OnInit {
items: Observable<WikiItem[]> = this._db.items //
.do(x => console.log("got value", x)) // <== new initialization, with a stream
.publishReplay().refCount(); //
constructor(private _db : WikiDbService, private _cd: ChangeDetectorRef) { }
ngOnInit() {
// <=== moved items initialization
reload() : void {
this._cd.markForCheck(); // <== added a button to force the change detector to react. Does not do anything.
with this addition in the template :
<button (click)="reload()">REFRESH</button>
@osln gave a correct answer.
The problem wasn't fundamentally about subscription or detecting changes, it was because my
call were in callbacks given to an external library, which concretely meant that I was doing them outside of Angular territory.
Forcing them back onto Angular soil with NgZone calls was the way to fix this issue.
Thanks @osln.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 24890
Reputation: 16882
Try to initialize your item-object before ngInit and add a temporary log directly into the stream, that way you know if the template really subscribes to the stream, because your current log is done on a completely separate stream.
selector: 'wiki',
templateUrl: './wiki.component.html'
export class WikiComponent implements OnInit {
items: Observable<WikiItem[]> = this._db.items
.do(x => console.log("got value", x)
// if items is not a Behavior- or ReplaySubject or ReplayObservable, also add the following:
constructor(private _db : WikiDbService) { }
ngOnInit() {
// ..nothing to do here
Additionally you might try to wrap your data-retrieval in an
First inject this in your DbService: private ngZone: NgZone
(from @angular/core
) and then instead of just using;
, use: =>;
(also for the add-call)
Upvotes: 12