Reputation: 91
So I am using a batch to go through a text file line by line. The reason why I can't do a regular search is because I need to see what is written on each line and then determine how I want to process the next line. Anyway, my basic code is:
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%SourceLicenseFile%) do (
Set LineofFile=%%a
echo !LineofFile! | find /i "TIMESTAMP" >nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 0 (
FOR %%b IN (!LineofFile!) DO SET LogDate=%%b
echo %%a | find /i "(LOGTIME) IN" >nul
if !errorlevel! EQU 0 (
FOR %%d IN (!LineofFile!) DO SET Username=%%d
FOR /f "tokens=1" %%c IN ("!LineofFile!") DO (
SET Logtime=%%c
echo !LogDate! !LogTime! !Username!
>> !ExportLicenseLog! echo !LogDate! !LogTime! !Username!
I believe the echo is slowing down this processing. I have a file with thousands of lines and it would take me over a minute to process. Is there another method I can use to go through each line quicker?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 50
Reputation: 67236
Yes, the echo ... | find ...
slowdown the process, not because the echo
, but for the pipe...
You have not clearly explained the purpose of your program. However, to check if !LineofFile!
variable have the "TIMESTAMP"
string, you may use this code:
if "!LineofFile:TIMESTAMP=!" neq "!LineofFile!" (
echo TIMESTAMP string found in LineofFile variable
This code means: "Try to remove TIMESTAMP string from LineofFile variable. If the string was found, it was removed, so the replaced value is different than the original".
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 91
OK. I got it. Using substitution is MUCH faster
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (%SourceLicenseFile%) do (
Set LineofFile=%%a
if not "x!LineofFile:TIMESTAMP=!" EQU "x!LineofFile!" (
FOR %%b IN (!LineofFile!) DO SET LogDate=%%b
if not "x!LineofFile:IN:=!" EQU "x!LineofFile!" (
FOR /f "tokens=1,5" %%c IN ("!LineofFile!") DO (
SET Logtime=%%c
SET Username=%%d
if "!LogDate!" NEQ "DATE NOT FOUND" (
echo !LogDate! !LogTime! !Username!
>> !ExportLicenseLog! echo !LogDate! !LogTime! !Username!
Set /A LineNumber=!LineNumber!+1
Set /A PercentDone=!LineNumber!/%TotalLines%
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 38709
You don't need the echo:
find /i "SOMETHING"<%SourceLicenseFile%
Escape thus ^< inside a for parentheses.
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