Reputation: 1287
I am using the latest version of Spring Boot and Spring Data MongoRepository. I have written a custom repository interface
public interface CompanyRepository extends MongoRepository<Company, String>{
@Query(value = "{ 'employer.userId' : ?0 }")
Company findByCompanyUserUserId(String userId);
In the same way i want to use @Query annotation for updating a particular field. can someone suggest me?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5373
Reputation: 71
Create an annotation like this:
public @interface MongoUpdate {
String find() default "{}";
String update() default "{}";
String collection();
boolean multi() default false;
And an aspect like this:
public class MongoUpdateAspect {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoUpdateAspect.class);
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void pointCut() {
@Around("com.ofb.commons.aspect.MongoUpdateAspect.pointCut() && @annotation(mongoUpdate)")
public Object applyQueryUpdate(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, MongoUpdate mongoUpdate) throws Throwable {
Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs();
String findQuery = mongoUpdate.find();
String updateQuery = mongoUpdate.update();
String collection = mongoUpdate.collection();
boolean multiUpdate = mongoUpdate.multi();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] instanceof Collection) {
Collection collection1 = (Collection) args[i];
String replaceStr = (String) -> {
if (object instanceof Number) {
return object.toString();
} else {
return String.format("\"%s\"", object.toString());
findQuery = findQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), replaceStr);
updateQuery = updateQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), replaceStr);
} else if (args[i] instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] objects = (Object[]) args[i];
String replaceStr = -> {
if (object instanceof Number) {
return object.toString();
} else {
return String.format("\"%s\"", object.toString());
findQuery = findQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), replaceStr);
updateQuery = updateQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), replaceStr);
} else {
if (args[i] instanceof Number) {
findQuery = findQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), args[i].toString());
updateQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), args[i].toString());
} else {
findQuery = findQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), String.format("\"%s\"", args[i].toString()));
updateQuery =
updateQuery.replace(String.format("?%s", i), String.format("\"%s\"", args[i].toString()));
Query query = new BasicQuery(findQuery);
Update update = new BasicUpdate(updateQuery);
if (multiUpdate) {
mongoTemplate.updateMulti(query, update, collection);
} else {
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, collection);
return null;
This will not work in MongoRepository implemented interfaces but you can create an empty bodied method in your service layer
@MongoUpdate(find = {}, update = "{$push : {'offFeatures' : ?0}}", collection = "userPreference", multi = true)
public void offFeatures(String feature) {
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 121
It's a reasonable question. Assuming that you're using the class, can you not simply use the insert(..) or save(..) methods for what you need?
Upvotes: 1