Reputation: 21
I am running an OLS regression in R from which I get a couple of coefficients. Here's part of the code:
Attacks <- Treat.Terr.Dataset$Attacks[2:30]
Attackslag <- Treat.Terr.Dataset$Attacks[1:29]
TreatmentEffect <- Treat.Terr.Dataset$TreatmentEffect[2:30]
TreatmentEffectlag <- Treat.Terr.Dataset$TreatmentEffect[1:29]
olsreg <- lm(TreatmentEffect ~ TreatmentEffectlag + Attacks + Attackslag)
And then I would need to calculate: (Attacks + Attackslag) / (1 - TreatmentEffectlag)
. The problem is that I can do this on R by using (coeffs[3] + coeffs[4]) / (1 - coeffs[2])
but the result is a fixed number without any p-value or confidence interval, just as a calculator would show me.
Does anyone know if there is any function I could use to calculate this with a confidence interval?
Editor note
If the target quantity is a linear function of regression coefficients, then the problem reduces to general linear hypothesis testing where exact inference is possible.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 547
Reputation: 2687
Here's a self-contained example using the delta method from the 'car' package:
# Simulate data
dat <- data.frame(Attacks = rnorm(30), Trt=rnorm(30))
dat <- transform(dat, AttacksLag = lag(Attacks), TrtLag = lag(Trt))
dat <- dat[2:30,]
# Fit linear model
m1 <- lm(Trt ~ TrtLag + Attacks + AttacksLag, data=dat)
# Use delta method
del1 <- deltaMethod(m1, "(Attacks + AttacksLag) / (1 - TrtLag)")
# Simple Wald-type conf int
del1$Est + c(-1,1) * del1$SE * qt(1-.1/2, nrow(dat)-length(coef(m1)))
# [1] -0.2921529 0.6723991
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## variance-covariance of relevant coefficients
V <- vcov(olsreg)[2:4, 2:4]
## point estimate (mean) of relevant coefficients
mu <- coef(olsreg)[2:4]
## From theory of OLS, coefficients are normally distributed: `N(mu, V)`
## We now draw 2000 samples from this multivariate distribution
beta <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = 2000, mu, V)
## With those 2000 samples, you can get 2000 samples for your target quantity
z <- (beta[, 2] + beta[, 3]) / (1 - beta[, 1])
## You can get Monte Carlo standard error, and Monte Carlo Confidence Interval
quantile(z, prob = c(0.025, 0.975))
## You can of course increase sample size from 2000 to 5000
Upvotes: 4