Reputation: 128
I've done alot of searching on this and not been able to find a solution yet, I hope the board here might help me.
I have set up a project (in the same way I have numerous projects before) that uses a seperate fonts SWF to provide the fonts to my project. Once loaded I register these fonts to the global font directory using Font.registerFont(). My text styles come from an externally loaded style sheet.
For some reason that I cannot figure out, when I try to create a textField and use my embedded fonts the text disapears from screen. If when creating the textField I set embedFonts to false then the text does appear at the right size and colour (as taken from the stylesheet), but obviously with a default system font where my nice custom font should be.
The code I am using is below:
var myText = new TextField;
with (myText)
width = 250;
autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
selectable = false;
antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
styleSheet = myStyleSheet;
embedFonts = true;
border = true;
multiline = true;
wordWrap = true;
htmlText = "<span class='body'>Test</body>";
myText.x = 300;
myText.y = 300;
I know that (apparently) my fonts are embeded as when I run TTWTextHelper.traceAvailableFonts() i get the two fonts listed.
public static function traceAvailableFonts():void
* See what fonts we have to play with
var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
embeddedFonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
trace("how many fonts? " + embeddedFonts.length);;
results in:
how many fonts? 2
(array) {
[0] => (object) [object MarkerFeltThinPlain]
[1] => (object) [object MarkerFeltWidePlain]
and I know that my styleSheet is loaded and is being correctly parsed by actionscript as when i run TTWTextHelper.traceStyleSheet(myStyleSheet); i get the styles listed out correctly:
public static function traceStyleSheet(_styleSheet:StyleSheet):void
trace("Tracing StyleSheet: " + _styleSheet);
var styles:Array = _styleSheet.styleNames;
for each(var style : * in styles)
trace("Style Name: " + style);
var thisStyle:Object = _styleSheet.getStyle(style);;
results in:
Tracing StyleSheet: [object StyleSheet]
Style Name: a
(object) {
[color] => (string) #ff0000
[leading] => (string) 2
[fontFamily] => (string) "MarkerFeltThin-Plain"
[fontSize] => (string) 15
[textAlign] => (string) left
Style Name: .title
(object) {
[color] => (string) #ff0000
[leading] => (string) 2
[fontFamily] => (string) "MarkerFeltWide-Plain"
[fontSize] => (string) 20
[textAlign] => (string) left
Style Name: .body
(object) {
[color] => (string) #4b4b4b
[leading] => (string) 2
[fontFamily] => (string) "MarkerFeltThin-Plain"
[fontSize] => (string) 15
[textAlign] => (string) left
Any advise very much appreciated! Thank you!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1187
Reputation: 9897
Sometimes embedding font files with [Embed] instead of swf helps (ran into that recently).
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9572
Try checking for your fonts fontType property, if the fontType property is "embeddedCFF" , they will not display with a TextField as you would need the Flash Text Engine to render.
Upvotes: 1