Reputation: 55
I'd like to change my habit in the way I take notes.
I want add files named YYYYmmddHHiiss.txt
in a directory and start them this way:
=Call somebody (title of my note)
@work (context of my note)
!todo (type of the note, I'll use !inbox, !todo, !waiting, !someday and !reference, each one his habit)
#Name of the person
#other tags if needed...
What I'd like is:
and think in a while if I need more.Model
:GtdGrep !todo @work
:GtdGrep !inbox
:GtdGrep @waiting @home
:GtdGrep !todo @work #this_project
:GtdGrep #name_of_a_co-worker #this_project
Now that I introduced you my need, I can start describing my problem ^^ I want to create the function behind the :GtdGrep command but there is a lot of things I don't manage to gather... Here is my draft.
let gtd_dir=expand($HOME)."/Desktop/notes"
function! GtdGrep(...)
execute "silent! vimgrep /\%<10l".join(a:000, "\\_.*")."/j ".gtd_dir."/**"
execute "copen"
command! -nargs=* GtdGrep call GtdGrep(<f-args>)
but that's it.\_.*
regexp which is for the line returns./^=
). I think it is possible with a ^=\zs.*\ze
but it is too much for me in a single vimgrep!EDIT
I solve my "AND" vimgrep issue by doing successive vimgrep on the previous results. Is it a good solution?
let gtd_dir=expand($HOME)."/Desktop/notes"
function! GtdGrep(...)
let dest = g:gtd_dir."/**"
for arg in a:000
execute "silent! vimgrep /^".arg."$/j ".dest
let dest = []
let results = getqflist()
if empty(results)
for res in results
call add(dest, bufname(res.bufnr))
let dest = join(dest, ' ')
" Last vimgrep to focus on titles before displaying results
let results = getqflist()
if !empty(results)
echom dest
execute "silent! vimgrep /\\%<10l^=.*/j ".dest
execute "copen"
echom "No results"
command! -nargs=* GtdGrep call GtdGrep(<f-args>)
I'd like to restrain my vimgrep on the lines before the first blank line but I didn't succeed to do this. Any idea?
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Views: 1075
Reputation: 195289
First of all, you should know the risk if you use dynamic string as pattern. E.g. your project_name contains [].*()...
What you can try is, building this command:
vimgrep '/\%<10l\(foo\|bar\|blah\|whatever\)' path/*
Upvotes: 0