I am implementing SKMapView in my project. There I am showing user few annotations. On clicking I am displaying a UIView with some relevant information about those coordinates. Now if user clicks anywhere else in the map area. I want to hide this marker info view. I am capturing map click using below method
-(void)mapView:(SKMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate.
This is how I am showing annotation in my view
//create the SKAnnotationView
SKAnnotationView *view = [[SKAnnotationView alloc] initWithView:pinView reuseIdentifier:@"viewID"];
//create the annotation
SKAnnotation *viewAnnotation = [SKAnnotation annotation];
//set the custom view
viewAnnotation.annotationType = SKAnnotationTypePurple;
viewAnnotation.annotationView = view;
viewAnnotation.identifier = index;
viewAnnotation.location = coordinates;
SKAnimationSettings *animationSettings = [SKAnimationSettings animationSettings];
[self.skMapView addAnnotation:viewAnnotation withAnimationSettings:animationSettings];
Please help and tell how can i hide this info marker view. Thanks in advance.
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Following method call will catch all click events on map.
-(void)mapView:(SKMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate
Here I am hiding the info view.
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