Reputation: 373
I am using the following code to get the first and last name of a windows user.
The username is in cell A2 like:
The code works but it puts the user's last name seperated by a comma and then their first name. I.e:
Smith, Dave
I want to change this to look like:
Dave.Smith and then add
Sub Test()
strUser = Range("A2").Value
struserdn = Get_LDAP_User_Properties("user", "samAccountName", strUser, "displayName")
If Len(struserdn) <> 0 Then
MsgBox struserdn
MsgBox "No record of " & strUser
End If
End Sub
Function Get_LDAP_User_Properties(strObjectType, strSearchField, strObjectToGet, strCommaDelimProps)
' This is a custom function that connects to the Active Directory, and returns the specific
' Active Directory attribute value, of a specific Object.
' strObjectType: usually "User" or "Computer"
' strSearchField: the field by which to seach the AD by. This acts like an SQL Query's WHERE clause.
' It filters the results by the value of strObjectToGet
' strObjectToGet: the value by which the results are filtered by, according the strSearchField.
' For example, if you are searching based on the user account name, strSearchField
' would be "samAccountName", and strObjectToGet would be that speicific account name,
' such as "jsmith". This equates to "WHERE 'samAccountName' = 'jsmith'"
' strCommaDelimProps: the field from the object to actually return. For example, if you wanted
' the home folder path, as defined by the AD, for a specific user, this would be
' "homeDirectory". If you want to return the ADsPath so that you can bind to that
' user and get your own parameters from them, then use "ADsPath" as a return string,
' then bind to the user: Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strReturnADsPath)
' Now we're checking if the user account passed may have a domain already specified,
' in which case we connect to that domain in AD, instead of the default one.
If InStr(strObjectToGet, "\") > 0 Then
arrGroupBits = Split(strObjectToGet, "\")
strDC = arrGroupBits(0)
strDNSDomain = strDC & "/" & "DC=" & Replace(Mid(strDC, InStr(strDC, ".") + 1), ".", ",DC=")
strObjectToGet = arrGroupBits(1)
' Otherwise we just connect to the default domain
Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
End If
strBase = "<LDAP://" & strDNSDomain & ">"
' Setup ADO objects.
Set adoCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set ADOConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ADOConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
ADOConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
adoCommand.ActiveConnection = ADOConnection
' Filter on user objects.
'strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))"
strFilter = "(&(objectClass=" & strObjectType & ")(" & strSearchField & "=" & strObjectToGet & "))"
' Comma delimited list of attribute values to retrieve.
strAttributes = strCommaDelimProps
arrProperties = Split(strCommaDelimProps, ",")
' Construct the LDAP syntax query.
strQuery = strBase & ";" & strFilter & ";" & strAttributes & ";subtree"
adoCommand.CommandText = strQuery
' Define the maximum records to return
adoCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 100
adoCommand.Properties("Timeout") = 30
adoCommand.Properties("Cache Results") = False
' Run the query.
Set adoRecordset = adoCommand.Execute
' Enumerate the resulting recordset.
strReturnVal = ""
Do Until adoRecordset.EOF
' Retrieve values and display.
For intCount = LBound(arrProperties) To UBound(arrProperties)
If strReturnVal = "" Then
strReturnVal = adoRecordset.Fields(intCount).Value
strReturnVal = strReturnVal & vbCrLf & adoRecordset.Fields(intCount).Value
End If
' Move to the next record in the recordset.
' Clean up.
Get_LDAP_User_Properties = strReturnVal
End Function
Please can someone show me where i am going wrong?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4714
Reputation: 71247
Please can someone show me where i am going wrong?
You're asking for the displayName
, and that's what you're getting ("Doe, John"). What you want is not the "display name", but the user's first and last name.
Let's look at the signature for the function you've got here:
Function Get_LDAP_User_Properties(strObjectType, strSearchField, strObjectToGet, strCommaDelimProps)
That last parameter is named strCommaDelimProps
, short for "string, comma-delimited property names".
If you look at what it's doing with the strCommaDelimProps
you're giving it, you'll notice it's concatenated into the strQuery
that's sent to the LDAP server, and then it's also turned into an array named arrProperties
(gosh dat Hungarian naming):
arrProperties = Split(strCommaDelimProps, ",")
Then it loops through the query results and...
strReturnVal = strReturnVal & vbCrLf & adoRecordset.Fields(intCount).Value
That's right, it appends each field value to the strReturnVal
string, with each result separated by a vbCrLf
So if you were to give the function two properties separated by commas, it would return you a string with the two values, separated by vbCrLf
characters. That would look something like this:
So you take that string, Split
it on vbCrLf
to make an array, and Join
it using a dot delimiter (.
strParts = Get_LDAP_User_Properties("user", "samAccountName", strUser, "givenName,sn")
arrParts = Split(strParts, vbCrLf) 'splits the string into an array
result = Join(arrParts, ".") 'joins array elements back into a string
The two properties are, per cyboashu's answer, "givenName"
and "sn"
, so you give the function "givenName,sn"
for the last parameter.
At that point the result
string looks something like John.Doe
; you might want to make that lowercase before you concatenate the
result = LCase$(result) & ""
MsgBox result
As for what am I doing wrong?, the latest Rubberduck (my little pet project) can help you pinpoint a few things:
Warning: 'Vbnullstring' preferred to empty string literals - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 69
Warning: 'Vbnullstring' preferred to empty string literals - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 73
Warning: Parameter 'strObjectType' is implicitly Variant - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Warning: Parameter 'strSearchField' is implicitly Variant - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Warning: Parameter 'strObjectToGet' is implicitly Variant - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Warning: Parameter 'strCommaDelimProps' is implicitly Variant - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Warning: Member 'Range' implicitly references ActiveSheet - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 2
Hint: Member 'Test' is implicitly public - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 1
Hint: Member 'Get_LDAP_User_Properties' is implicitly public - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Hint: Parameter 'strObjectType' is implicitly passed by reference - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Hint: Parameter 'strSearchField' is implicitly passed by reference - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Hint: Parameter 'strObjectToGet' is implicitly passed by reference - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Hint: Parameter 'strCommaDelimProps' is implicitly passed by reference - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Hint: Return type of member 'Get_LDAP_User_Properties' is implicitly 'Variant' - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 11
Error: Option Explicit is not specified in 'Module1' - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 1
Error: Local variable 'strUser' is not declared - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 2
Error: Local variable 'struserdn' is not declared - (Book2) VBAProject.Module1, line 3
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 10443
You can do it in two ways. 1. Split the displayName on "," and re-arrange.
struserdn = Get_LDAP_User_Properties("user", "samAccountName", strUser, "displayName")
struserdn = Split(struserdn, ",")(1) & Space(1) & Split(struserdn, ",")(0)
2.You can get First Name and Last Name in seperate calls using GivenName
and sn
strFirstName = Get_LDAP_User_Properties("user", "samAccountName", strUser, "givenName")
strLastName = Get_LDAP_User_Properties("user", "samAccountName", strUser, "sn")
But thi smethod will make twice the use of resources.
Edit :
As per Matt's comment.
Change this line
strReturnVal = strReturnVal & vbcrlf & adoRecordset.Fields(intCount).Value
strReturnVal = strReturnVal & "." & adoRecordset.Fields(intCount).Value
and then this will give you the full name in just one call.
strFullName = Get_LDAP_User_Properties("user", "samAccountName", strUser, "givenName,sn")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 907
I used this code to get the username of the user.
Option Explicit
Public strUser As String
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim strUser
strUser = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
End Sub
Upvotes: 0