Reputation: 3952
I'd like to learn how to set a unique gifted dance property during initialization using a breakdances enum that uses strings. I figured it would work but when I tried different variations of setting the property in init, I would get compile errors such as "assigning a property to itself" and many others. I've run out of ideas but I know its possible because some Cocoa classes do this during initialization such as UITableView when selecting preferred style.
import Foundation
enum Breakdances: String {
case HoppityHop = "Hop Hop Hop and two step is what I do usually"
case Greyjoy = "I made up this dance, pretty cool huh?"
case ButtSwirl = "Let's do the butt swril"
case PsychMovementWithHands = "Psych, Psych, Psych! Psych"
case TheDab = "Dabbbbb!"
case TheBump = "I'm doing the rump bump dance"
class Monkeys: Animals, canPlayAroundProtocol, randomJungleActivity {
static var monkeysPopulation: Int = 0
var uniqueGiftedDance: Breakdances
override init(name:String){
super.init(name: name)
self.uniqueGiftedDance = uniqueGiftedDance
Monkeys.monkeysPopulation += 1
override func makeSound() -> String {
energyLevel -= 4
return "Ah ah ah"
override func eatFood(){
energyLevel += 2
override func sleep(){
func play(){
let reducedEnergy = energyLevel - 8
if reducedEnergy < 0 {
print("\(name) is too tired, I don't have enough energy")
}else {
print("Oooo Oooo Oooo")
print("\(name)'s energy level is now \(reducedEnergy)")
func startUniqueJungleAct(){
print("Swinging from a tree and throwing banannas")
deinit {
Monkeys.monkeysPopulation -= 1
Here is my parent class:
import Foundation
protocol canPlayAroundProtocol {
func play()
protocol randomJungleActivity {
func startUniqueJungleAct()
class Animals {
static var animalPopulation: Int = 0
var name: String!
var energyLevel: Int = 100
init(name: String) { = name
Animals.animalPopulation += 1
print("Another animal has given birth, animal population is now \(Animals.animalPopulation)")
func makeSound() -> String{
energyLevel -= 3
return "null"
func eatFood() {
energyLevel += 5
func sleep(){
energyLevel += 10
static func junglePerformSoundOff(){
func bathroomSound(){
deinit {
Animals.animalPopulation -= 1
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1273
Reputation: 63399
You just need to add a new parameter to your initializer.
init(name: String, uniqueGiftedDance: Breakdances) {
super.init(name: name)
self.uniqueGiftedDance = uniqueGiftedDance
Monkeys.monkeysPopulation += 1
Upvotes: 2