Reputation: 23809
In our ASP.NET MVC Core app we are using ASP.NET Idenity to implement user management.
Question: Instead of using ASP.NET user interface, how can we directly create a user into the SQL Database (using a SQL statement etc.)? Will creating a user directly in ASPNETUsers table cause any issue? Note: We need to populate built-in identity table ASPNETUsers
from a list of users. Password can be anything and no specific role is required.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6390
Reputation: 2497
Here is the insert script for AspNetUsers
INSERT [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id], [AccessFailedCount], [ConcurrencyStamp],
[Email], [EmailConfirmed], [LockoutEnabled], [LockoutEnd], [NormalizedEmail],
[NormalizedUserName], [PasswordHash], [PhoneNumber], [PhoneNumberConfirmed],
[SecurityStamp], [TwoFactorEnabled], [UserName]) VALUES
(N'0633e088-30a6-444f-9603-70d7c26748ef', 0,
N'd2feada1-c7db-4f5a-801c-4ae5c990a49d', N'[email protected]', 1, 1, NULL,
N'[email protected]', N'[email protected]',
N'+10001234567', 1, N'6123adf0-fc53-4abb-b6a4-52d164da4e4f', 0, N'[email protected]')
Of course you will need to generate your own Guids and hash your own password.
Upvotes: 8