Reputation: 163
I realize that when I use "la_solve" I get the Malloc error due to a limitation in the number of samples "la_solve" can handle.
I noticed that if I use about 900 samples, the program runs well.
Therefore, I modified my code to look at entire data in sequential chunks of 901 samples if samples > 901.
However, I used rather naive techniques and am sure this can be made more efficient and robust: (1) I need a condition that if samples are < 900, do not chunk; (2) take care of repetitions in x and y values as I append chunked data; and (3) make the algorithm more efficient, fast, and robust.
I mostly need help in "// Calling the Re-sampler FUNCTION" section at the end of the code
Thanks !!!
import UIKit
import Accelerate.vecLib.LinearAlgebra
public class Resample {
public class func resample(xi: [Double], xii: [Double], a: [Double]) ->[Double]
// xi - original time stamps (original x)
// xii - desired time stamps (desired x)
// a - orignal y values
// ->[Double] - interpolated y values
let ni = xii.count // Desired x count
let n = xi.count // Actual x count
var h: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n-1)
for j in 0..<n-1 {
h[j] = (xi[j+1] - xi[j])
var A: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:(n)*(n))
A[0] = 1.0
A[(n*n)-1] = 1.0
for i in 1..<(n-1) {
A[(n+1)*i-1] = h[i-1]
A[(n+1)*i] = 2*(h[i-1] + h[i])
A[(n+1)*i+1] = h[i]
var b: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n)
for i in 1..<n-1 {
b[i] = (3/h[i])*(a[i+1]-a[i]) - (3/h[i-1])*(a[i]-a[i-1])
let matA = la_matrix_from_double_buffer(A, la_count_t(n), la_count_t(n), la_count_t(n), la_hint_t(LA_NO_HINT), la_attribute_t(LA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES))
let vecB = la_matrix_from_double_buffer(b, la_count_t(n), 1, 1, la_hint_t(LA_NO_HINT), la_attribute_t(LA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES))
let vecCj = la_solve(matA, vecB)
var cj: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: n)
let status = la_matrix_to_double_buffer(&cj, 1, vecCj)
if status == la_status_t(LA_SUCCESS) {
else {
print("Failure: \(status)")
var bj: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n-1)
for i in 0..<n-1 {
bj[i] = (1/h[i])*(a[i+1]-a[i]) - (1/3*h[i])*(2*cj[i]+cj[i+1])
var dj: [Double] = Array(repeating:0, count:n-1)
for i in 0..<n-1 {
dj[i] = (1/(3*h[i])) * (cj[i+1]-cj[i])
var P: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: (n-1)*4)
for i in 0..<n-1 {
P[(i*4)] = dj[i]
P[(i*4)+1] = cj[i]
P[(i*4)+2] = bj[i]
P[(i*4)+3] = a[i]
var ai: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: ni)
var jl = Double(1)
for i in 0..<ni {
let inter = Double(xii[i])
while (inter > xi[Int(jl)] && (Int(jl) < n)) {
jl += 1
let ind = 4*Int(jl)-4
var pp = Array(P[ind...ind+3])
let xx = Double(xii[i]-xi[Int(jl)-1])
ai[i] = pp[0]*pow(xx, 3) + pp[1]*pow(xx, 2) + pp[2]*xx + pp[3]
// Calling the Re-sampler FUNCTION
let x = Array(stride(from: 0, through: 16649, by: 1.0)) // Orig X (Given, say)
let y = Array(stride(from: 0, through: 16649, by: 1.0)) // Orig Y (Given, say)
let f = 2.0 // Hz (Desired Sampling Freq., say)
let g = Array(stride(from: 0, through: x.count-1, by: 900))
// Helper array for chunking (901 samples each time, say)
var xxx = [Double]() // Results for appended chunks X
var yyy = [Double]() // Results for appended chunks Y
for i in 0..<g.count-1 { // loop through
let xc = Array(x[Int(g[i])...Int(g[i+1])]) // x chunk (count = 901)
let yc = Array(y[Int(g[i])...Int(g[i+1])]) // y chunk (count = 901)
let xci = Array(stride(from: xc[0], through: xc[xc.count-1], by: 1.0/f))
// Desired time stamps for chunk of 901 samples
let yci = Resample.resample(xi: xc, xii: xci, a: yc) // Interpolate chunk
xxx += xci // Append interpolation X
yyy += yci // Append interpolation X
// If helper function last index < original no. of samples
let glb = (Int(g[g.count-1])) // last chunk begin index
let gle = (x.count) // last chunk end index
let xce = Array(x[]) // last x chunk
let yce = Array(y[]) // last y chunk
let xcei = Array(stride(from: xce[0], through: xce[xce.count-1], by: 1.0/f))
// Desired time stamps for last chunk of samples
let ycei = Resample.resample(xi: xce, xii: xcei, a: yce) // Interpolate last chunk
xxx += xcei // Append interpolation X for last chunk
yyy += ycei // Append interpolation X for last chunk
print(xxx) // would like to identify repeated x values and remove them
print(yyy) // remove y values corresponsding to repated x values (as found above)
// Calling the Re-sampler FUNCTION
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1299
Reputation: 80287
Note that you are seeking for every ind
using binary search, while it's value is monotonically increasing. So you can just check whether next x-value remains in the same interval or moves to the next one. Pseudo code:
jl = 1 //before cycle
//inside cycle
while (current_x > xi[jl]) and (jl < n)
ind = 4 * jl - 4
Is la_solve
general method for linear eq.system solving? If yes, then you'd better use dedicated approach for tridiagonal systems (cubic complexity vs linear complexity). Classic text. Python implementation. Wiki. It is important for long input array.
Upvotes: 4