Reputation: 3308
I would like to change email field to 'required' on my Android app when a user is trying to signup.
Do I have change settings on Facebook Account? Or is it a setting on my Android code?
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Views: 512
Reputation: 407
You cannot set the email permission as 'required'. You could alternatively post a message to the user explaining why the email is mandatory, and make a Log-In request again with the required permission. You can find the documentatation below:
When I need this I usually register a callback that takes care of this issue like the one below:
//manager to handle callbacks from Facebook
private CallbackManager callbackManager;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();
LoginManager.getInstance().registerCallback(callbackManager, getFacebookLoginCallback());
public FacebookCallback<LoginResult> getFacebookLoginCallback() {
return new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
public void onSuccess(final LoginResult loginResult) {
ICLog.e(TAG, "Facebook access token: " + loginResult.getAccessToken().getToken());
if (loginResult.getRecentlyGrantedPermissions().contains("email")) {
GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(
new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback() {
public void onCompleted(JSONObject object, GraphResponse response) {
// Handle logged user here
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("fields", "id,name,email,gender,birthday,first_name,last_name");
} else {
//show popup and request e-mail permission if needed
new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage("I need email")
.setNegativeButton("Cancel", null)
.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {
LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions(this, Arrays.asList("email"));
public void onCancel() {
Log.e("Facebook login", "onCancel");
public void onError(FacebookException exception) {//log out user if any error appears
if (exception instanceof FacebookAuthorizationException) {
if (AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() != null) {
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3673
Use below on your Fb login button-
loginbtn.setReadPermissions(Arrays.asList("public_profile, email,user_birthday"));
You can find the full code here.
Upvotes: 0