Reputation: 11
I have this homework problem. I'm suppose to write a program that does the following:
When I try to test out the first requirement, I don't receive the output string. I also need help on doing the second two. I'm fairly new to MIPS, and I have some understanding of it, but having some difficulty. I modified some code for the sorting from example code I found.
length: .word 0
buffer: .space 255
prompt1:.asciiz "Type in a sentence: "
after: .asciiz "\nString after: "
# Start of code section
li $v0, 4 # Prompt user for a text string
la $a0, prompt1 # address of string to print
li $v0, 8 # Read in text string
la $a0, buffer
li $a1, 255
la $t0, buffer # Read character from text string
lw $t1, length
addu $t0, $t0, $t1
# Call on QuickSort
la $a0, buffer # Constant pointer to string
add $a1, $a0, 0 # Pointer to left end
add $a2, $a0, 25 # Pointer to right end
jal QS # The one call from main
# Print out results
la $a0, after
li $v0, 4
la $a0, buffer
# End main
li $v0, 10
QS: sub $sp, $sp, 16 # \
sw $a1, 0($sp) # \
sw $a2, 4($sp) # > Save registers
sw $t2, 8($sp) # /
sw $ra, 12($sp) # / and return address
bge $a1, $a2, QSret # Nothing to sort
sub $t3, $a1, $a0 # index i
sub $t4, $a2, $a0 # index j
add $t0, $t3, $t4 # t0 = i+j choose middle
sra $t0, $t0, 1 # t0 = (i+j) div 2
add $t0, $t0, $a0 # t0 -> A[(i+j) div 2]
lb $t5, 0($t0) # t5 = pivot value
lb $t6, 0($a1) # t6 = A[i] = left element
sb $t5, 0($a1) # Swap them so pivot
sb $t6, 0($t0) # is first element
move $t1, $a1 # Initdially i -> first (pivot) item a1
add $t2, $a2, 1 # Initially j -> just past last item a2
lb $t0, 0($a1) # Pivot value in t0 (in $t5)
i_loop: add $t1, $t1, 1 # i=i+1;
lb $t5, 0($t1) # t5 = A[i]
bgt $t0, $t5, i_loop # until pivot <= A[i]
j_loop: sub $t2, $t2, 1 # j=j-1;
lb $t6, 0($t2) # t6 = A[j]
blt $t0, $t6, j_loop # until pivot >= A[j]
bge $t1, $t2, test # if i<j swap
sb $t6, 0($t1) # A[i] and
sb $t5, 0($t2) # A[j]
test: blt $t1, $t2, loop # until i >= j
lb $t5, 0($a1) # swap a[a1] = pivot
lb $t6, 0($t2) # and a[j]
sb $t5, 0($t2) # now a[j] is
sb $t6, 0($a1) # in its final position
# Done with partition
lw $a1, 0($sp)
sub $a2, $t2, 1
jal QS # Recursive call on left
add $a1, $t2, 1
lw $a2, 4($sp)
jal QS # Recursive call on right
QSret: lw $ra, 12($sp) # \Replace return address
lw $t2, 8($sp) # \
lw $a2, 4($sp) # > and registers
lw $a1, 0($sp) # /
add $sp, $sp, 16 # /
jr $ra
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5445
Reputation: 46998
buffer: .space 255
This fills buffer
with zeroes.
li $v0, 8 # Read in text string
la $a0, buffer
li $a1, 255
I don't know what environment you're using, but this typically works just like fgets()
in C, so if you enter hello
, your buffer will end up as:
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ more +-----+
| 'h' | 'e' | 'l' | 'l' | 'o' |'\n' | 0 | 0 |..zeroes...| 0 |
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ +-----+
The code just after that doesn't seem to do anything useful:
la $t0, buffer # Read character from text string
lw $t1, length
addu $t0, $t0, $t1
but length
has never been written and $t0
isn't used again (until it's overwritten inside QS
The call to QS
passes a fixed value in $a2
(25 - why?). Assuming that the QS
routine actually works as advertised: if your original string is short, some of the zero bytes in the buffer will be included in the range that gets sorted, and so will end up at the beginning of the buffer - the range that gets sorted will look something like this:
+-----+ more +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
| 0 |..zeroes...| 0 | 0 |'\n' | 'e' | 'h' | 'l' | 'l' | 'o' |
+-----+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
i.e. if the range that gets sorted includes any zero bytes, the first byte of the result will be zero, and so you will print an empty string.
Part 2: once you have a correctly sorted string, this should be straightforward, as all of the occurences of each character are adjacent. Just walk along the string, and consider whether each character is the same as the previous one, or different.
Part 3: just needs an additional counter while doing the work for part 2.
Upvotes: 1