Reputation: 85
I am retrieving tweets using LINQ to Twitter 4.1.0 with particular hashtag. But the problem that I am facing is that i am getting only 600 tweets. I want to get tweets that are older than few months. Can anyone suggest me, how to do this?
[List<Search> searchResultsList = new List<Search>();
ulong lastId = 0;
var context = new TwitterContext(auth);
int count = 0;
int maxNumberToFind = 1000;
var dateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-20);
var searchResults =
(from search in context.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == Query &&
search.SinceID == 2016-12-11 &&
search.Count == 150 &&
search.ResultType == ResultType.Recent &&
search.IncludeEntities == true
select search).ToList();][1]
Upvotes: 4
Views: 795
Reputation: 7513
You might want to also consider a paged search. Here's a demo:
static async Task DoPagedSearchAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx)
const int MaxSearchEntriesToReturn = 100;
string searchTerm = "twitter";
// oldest id you already have for this search term
ulong sinceID = 1;
// used after the first query to track current session
ulong maxID;
var combinedSearchResults = new List<Status>();
List<Status> searchResponse =
(from search in twitterCtx.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == searchTerm &&
search.Count == MaxSearchEntriesToReturn &&
search.SinceID == sinceID
select search.Statuses)
ulong previousMaxID = ulong.MaxValue;
// one less than the newest id you've just queried
maxID = searchResponse.Min(status => status.StatusID) - 1;
Debug.Assert(maxID < previousMaxID);
previousMaxID = maxID;
searchResponse =
(from search in twitterCtx.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == searchTerm &&
search.Count == MaxSearchEntriesToReturn &&
search.MaxID == maxID &&
search.SinceID == sinceID
select search.Statuses)
} while (searchResponse.Any());
combinedSearchResults.ForEach(tweet =>
"\n User: {0} ({1})\n Tweet: {2}",
I wrote a blog post a while back to explain generally how this works:
Working with Timelines with LINQ to Twitter
It's a little old and doesn't include the async syntax, but does explain the SinceID
, MaxID
, and techniques. Twitter also has good documentation, explaining the how and why of their paging strategy:
Working with Timelines (Twitter)
With that said, the Twitter API does limit how far back you can go with searches. In The Search API, Best Practices section, they describe that they only go back 6 to 9 days.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3214
I would suggest looking at the documentation It looks like you can specify an "Until" date, and a MaxId:
Until: Tweets up to this date, YYYY-MM-DD. (string)
MaxID: Return tweets prior to or equal to this ID. (ulong)
I would query for an "Until" date and get the last tweet using LINQ's "LastOrDefault()". Then do another query using the ID from that object as the MaxID of your next query. This should get you all tweets prior to a certain date as you asked for.
It's also important to note this parameter:
Count Number of tweets to retrieve for each page. Max is 100. (int)
This might have something to do with the limited number of tweets you are receiving.
EDIT: This post by Joe Mayo (the creator of LinqToTwitter) might also be helpful to you. Here is some code (disclaimer: I haven't tested this, but you get the idea):
List<Search> searchResultsList = new List<Search>();
var context = new TwitterContext(auth);
var maxCount = 100;
var untilDate = new DateTime(2016,12,11);
var lastTweetInRange =
(from search in context.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == Query &&
search.Count == maxCount &&
search.Until == untilDate &&
search.IncludeEntities == true
select search).LastOrDefault();
var tweetsInRange = (from search in context.Search
where search.Type == SearchType.Search &&
search.Query == Query &&
search.Count == maxCount &&
search.MaxId == &&
search.IncludeEntities == true
select search).ToList();
Upvotes: 2