Reputation: 3
I'm trying to expose my C++ Classes to Python using Boost.Python. Here is a simplyfied version of what I'm trying to do:
struct Base {
virtual ~Base() {};
virtual char const *Hello() {
return "Hello. I'm Base.";
struct Derived : Base {
char const *Hello() {
return "Hello. I'm Derived.";
Base &test() {
// ...
// After some calculation, we get result reference `instance'
// `instance' can be an instance of Base or Derived.
// ...
return instance;
I want to use above classes as follows in python:
instance = Derived()
// If method test returns an instance of Base
instance.test().Hello() // Result: "Hello. I'm Base."
// If method test returns an instance of Derived
instance.test().Hello() // Result: "Hello. I'm Derived."
I didn't know any nice solution to this problem. I just tried this:
struct BaseWrapper : Base, wrapper<Base> {
char const *Hello() {
if (override Hello = this->get_override("Hello")) {
return Hello();
return Base::Hello();
char const *default_Hello() {
return this->Base::Hello();
struct DerivedWrapper : Derived, wrapper<Derived> {
char const *Hello() {
if (override Hello = this->get_override("Hello")) {
return Hello();
return Derived::Hello();
char const *default_Hello() {
return this->Derived::Hello();
Base &test() {
if (override Hello = this->get_override("test")) {
return Hello();
return Derived::test();
Base &default_test() {
return this->Derived::test();
And them, I use following code:
class_<BaseWrapper, boost::noncopyable>("Base")
.def("Hello", &Base::Hello, &BaseWrapper::default_Hello);
class_<DerivedWrapper, boost::noncopyable, bases<Base> >("Derived")
.def("Hello", &Derived::Hello, &DerivedWrapper::default_Hello)
.def("test", &Derived::test, return_value_policy<copy_non_const_reference>());
But when I compiled above code into a .so file, and used in python
derived = Wrapper.Derived()
It throws out an exception:
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: Base
This post has the same error as mine, but in a different way, it didn't help me a lot. Boost.Python call by reference : TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:
This post solves a similar problem, but didn't help me either.
I have two problems:
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Views: 3287
Reputation: 536
This code works for me:
struct Base {
virtual ~Base() {};
virtual char const *hello() {
return "Hello. I'm Base.";
struct Derived : Base {
char const *hello() {
return "Hello. I'm Derived.";
Base &test(bool derived) {
static Base b;
static Derived d;
if (derived) {
return d;
} else {
return b;
using namespace boost::python;
.def("hello", &Base::hello)
class_<Derived, bases<Base>>("Derived")
.def("test", &Derived::test, return_internal_reference<>())
Testing module:
>>> import wrapper
>>> d = wrapper.Derived()
>>> d.test(True).hello()
"Hello. I'm Derived."
>>> d.test(False).hello()
"Hello. I'm Base."
Upvotes: 1