
Reputation: 3420

Ansible regex to delete matching IPs from /etc/hosts

I'm attempting to change the hostname for the remote node and this section works:

- name: Change the hostname
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts
              regexp='.*{{ item }}$'
              line="{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ LOCAL_HOSTNAME }} {{ LOCAL_HOSTNAME }}.{{ LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}"
  when: hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address is defined
  with_items: "{{ groups['dbservers'] }}"

So that this does is, it appends the IP hostname FQDN to the end of the /etc/hosts file.

What I'm trying to achieve is to remove an existing entry and then add this section, and here's what I've tried:

    - name: Change the hostname
      lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts
#                  regexp='.*{{ item }}$'
                  regexp='{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
#                  line="{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ LOCAL_HOSTNAME }} {{ LOCAL_HOSTNAME }}.{{ LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}"
#                  state=present
      when: hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address is defined
      with_items: "{{ groups['dbservers'] }}"

However, this keeps showing the following error:

The offending line appears to be:
#                  regexp='.*{{ item }}$'
                  regexp="{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
                  ^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes.

Changing the quotes from '' to "" doesn't seem to work. My questions are:

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2603

Answers (2)

Srinu Mareti
Srinu Mareti

Reputation: 27

Here you go..
- name: host trick
  hosts: dev
  gather_facts: yes
  become: true
    - name: Include fixed env variables
      include_vars: "group_vars/dev.yml"


  - debug: var=hostvars[groups['app'][0]].ansible_host
  - name: Update the /etc/hosts file with node name
         remove_host: "hostname.domain.com"
    tags: etchostsupdate
    become: yes
    become_user: root
      dest: /etc/hosts
      regexp: "{{ remove_host }}"
      line: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{item}}"
      state: absent
      backup: yes
    register: etchostsupdate
    when: hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['default_ipv4'] is defined
      - "{{ groups['dev'] }}"

#ansible-playbook -i dev/hosts dev/remove_etc_hosts.yml -e "remove_host=hostname.domain.com"

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 68439

You can't use Ansible notation (with equal signs) and treat it like YAML.

The problem with your code is not quoting, but the fact that you inserted comments where you shouldn't.

The following syntax is valid, yours is not:

- name: Change the hostname
    dest: /etc/hosts
    # regexp: '.*{{ item }}$'
    regexp: '{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
    state: absent
    # line: "{{ hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ LOCAL_HOSTNAME }} {{ LOCAL_HOSTNAME }}.{{ LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME }}"
    # state: present
  when: hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4.address is defined
  with_items: "{{ groups['dbservers'] }}"

Upvotes: 1

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