Imagine I have two lists:
l1 = "Hey there"
l2 = "there is a turtle"
how do I "concatenate" the lists but remove the start of the second list that matches the end of the first?
magic l1 l2 == "Hey there is a turtle"
More examples,
magic "What's going on" "ing on in the world" == "What's going on in the world"
magic [1,2,3,2] [2,3,2,1] == [1,2,3,2,1]
magic [1..10] [5..20] == [1..20]
magic [1,2] [1,2] == []
What I'm looking for is something that will concatenate the lists and then remove the parts - only at the "joint" - where the lists matched up.
Things I've looked at:
just concatenates, so isn't what I'm after.Data.List
's \\
list difference operator starts from the front of the first list and removes the occurrence from the second list no matter where it is, so won't work.stripPrefix
for this, maybe it's doable but my understanding of haskell isn't good enough.I've also looked through the entire Data.List module, and couldn't find anything that does what I want out of the box.
Thus it looks like it's necessary to make our own function to do this, in which case a Prelude-function solution is preferable over something with dependencies.
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Views: 151
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Since noone wrote this one up yet:
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
magic xs ys = s' ++ r'
(s', r') = go xs
go [] = ([], [])
go (x:xs)
| isPrefixOf (x:xs) ys = ([], ys)
| otherwise = (x:s, r)
(s, r) = go xs
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Reputation: 21
Here's a simple recursive solution:
magic x y = f x y y
where f [] y z = y
f x [] z = x
f (x:xs) (y:ys) z = x : if x == y then f xs ys z else f xs z z
Upvotes: 2
I found a way to do it:
import Data.List
overlap xs ys = xs ++ (ys \\ (head ((tails xs) `intersect` (inits ys))))
but I don't find it very attractive and am hoping someone can improve upon it.
Upvotes: 1