
Reputation: 2897

How to hide a menu that scrolls to content after it's clicked?

I have a nice menu in the Codepen below, yet it's not working like the way I want to.

var menu = document.querySelector('.nav__list');
var burger = document.querySelector('.burger');
var doc = $(document);
var l = $('.scrolly');
var panel = $('.panel');
var vh = $(window).height();

var openMenu = function() {

// reveal content of first panel by default

var scrollFx = function() {
  var ds = doc.scrollTop();
  var of = vh / 4;

  // if the panel is in the viewport, reveal the content, if not, hide it.
  for (var i = 0; i < panel.length; i++) {
    if (panel.eq(i).offset().top < ds+of) {
    } else {

var scrolly = function(e) {
  var target = this.hash;
  var $target = $(target);

  $('html, body').stop().animate({
      'scrollTop': $target.offset().top
  }, 300, 'swing', function () {
      window.location.hash = target;

var init = function() {
  burger.addEventListener('click', openMenu, false);
  window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollFx, false);
  window.addEventListener('load', scrollFx, false);

doc.on('ready', init);

What I want to do, is when I click on a menu item (so when I open the menu and I click one of the list items there), I want to hide (get to the initial state) the menu automatically after the click.

So when you click, it'll scroll to a certain ID, but the menu keeps being open. I want to close it. Is there any way to do this? I know we have a jQuery hide function, yet I can't get it working.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 52

Answers (2)

Code Ratchet
Code Ratchet

Reputation: 6029

If I understand correctly, when you click on one of the nav items you want to close the menu.

Inside your init function, add a listener to the menu. Call openMenu() which will toggle the nav_list.

var init = function() {
  menu.addEventListener('click', openMenu, false);
  burger.addEventListener('click', openMenu, false);
  window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollFx, false);
  window.addEventListener('load', scrollFx, false);

Upvotes: 1

Michael Coker
Michael Coker

Reputation: 53674

You already have a function called openMenu() that toggles whatever state the menu is in (will open it if it's closed, will close it if it's open). Just call that function inside of scrolly() after the browser animates the user to the position on the page.

var menu = document.querySelector('.nav__list');
var burger = document.querySelector('.burger');
var doc = $(document);
var l = $('.scrolly');
var panel = $('.panel');
var vh = $(window).height();

var openMenu = function() {

// reveal content of first panel by default

var scrollFx = function() {
  var ds = doc.scrollTop();
  var of = vh / 4;
  // if the panel is in the viewport, reveal the content, if not, hide it.
  for (var i = 0; i < panel.length; i++) {
    if (panel.eq(i).offset().top < ds+of) {
    } else {

var scrolly = function(e) {
  var target = this.hash;
  var $target = $(target);

  $('html, body').stop().animate({
      'scrollTop': $target.offset().top
  }, 300, 'swing', function () {
      window.location.hash = target;

var init = function() {
  burger.addEventListener('click', openMenu, false);
  window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollFx, false);
  window.addEventListener('load', scrollFx, false);

doc.on('ready', init);
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