Reputation: 3657
While retrieving the results using stored procedure how can I retrieve and store multiple result set in view model in .net core
For e.g. from stored procedure I am returning records for below two queries
Select * LMS_Survey
Select * from LMS_SurveyQuestion
Select * from LMS_SurveyQuestionOptionChoice
and below is view model for two tables
public class LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel
public LMS_SurveyDetailsViewModel SurveyDetailsViewModel { get; set; }
public LMS_SurveyQuestionsViewModel SurveyQuestionsViewModel { get; set; }
public LMS_SurveyQuestionOptionChoiceViewModel SurveyQuestionOptionChoiceViewModel { get; set; }
This is how I am executing the stored procedure
public List<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel> GetTraineeSurvey(int surveyID)
List<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel> modelList = new List<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel>();
modelList = dbcontext.Set<LMS_SurveyTraineeViewModel>().FromSql("LMSSP_GetTraineeSurvey @surveyID = {0},@LanguageID = {1}", surveyID, AppTenant.SelectedLanguageID).ToList();
return modelList;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
How can stored the multiple result set using stored procedure in view model ?
Upvotes: 20
Views: 28215
Reputation: 5240
Currently, EF Core doesn't not support this. There is an open issue to address this.
Update 12th Sep 2018: This is still not a priority for EF Core even for release 3.0; so best use Dapper or plain ADO.NET when you have multiple results scenario
Update 25th Jun 2020: still on the backlog for EF Core even for release 5.0; so best use Dapper or plain ADO.NET when you have multiple results scenario
Update 7th Feb 2021: still on the backlog for EF Core
Update 8th Aug 2022: still on the backlog for EF Core, looks like its not a high priority use-case. Recommend to follow alternatives like using straight ADO.NET or Dapr or the below workaround for this
Update 2nd Dec 2024: still on the backlog
In the interim an alternative solution can be achieved via extension method(s)
public static async Task<IList<IList>> MultiResultSetsFromSql(this DbContext dbContext, ICollection<Type> resultSetMappingTypes, string sql, params object[] parameters)
var resultSets = new List<IList>();
var connection = dbContext.Database.GetDbConnection();
var parameterGenerator = dbContext.GetService<IParameterNameGeneratorFactory>()
var commandBuilder = dbContext.GetService<IRelationalCommandBuilderFactory>()
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
var generatedName = parameterGenerator.GenerateNext();
if (parameter is DbParameter dbParameter)
commandBuilder.AddRawParameter(generatedName, dbParameter);
commandBuilder.AddParameter(generatedName, generatedName);
using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.CommandText = sql;
command.Connection = connection;
for (var i = 0; i < commandBuilder.Parameters.Count; i++)
var relationalParameter = commandBuilder.Parameters[i];
relationalParameter.AddDbParameter(command, parameters[i]);
var materializerSource = dbContext.GetService<IEntityMaterializerSource>();
if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
await connection.OpenAsync();
using var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
foreach (var pair in resultSetMappingTypes.Select((x, i) => (Index: i, Type: x)))
var i = pair.Index;
var resultSetMappingType = pair.Type;
if (i > 0 && !(await reader.NextResultAsync()))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No result set at index {0}, unable to map to {1}.", i, resultSetMappingType));
var type = resultSetMappingType;
var entityType = dbContext.GetService<IModel>()
if (entityType == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to find a an entity type (or query type) matching '{0}'", type));
var relationalTypeMappingSource = dbContext.GetService<IRelationalTypeMappingSource>();
var columns = Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount)
.Select(x => new
Index = x,
Name = reader.GetName(x)
var relationalValueBufferFactoryFactory = dbContext.GetService<IRelationalValueBufferFactoryFactory>();
int discriminatorIdx = -1;
var discriminatorProperty = entityType.GetDiscriminatorProperty();
var entityTypes = entityType.GetDerivedTypesInclusive();
var instanceTypeMapping = entityTypes.Select(et => new
EntityType = et,
Properties = et.GetProperties()
.Select(x =>
var column = columns.FirstOrDefault(y => string.Equals(y.Name,
x.GetColumnName() ?? x.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Unable to find a column mapping property '{0}'.", x.Name));
if (x == discriminatorProperty)
discriminatorIdx = column.Index;
return new TypeMaterializationInfo(x.PropertyInfo.PropertyType, x, relationalTypeMappingSource, column.Index);
.Select(x => new
EntityType = x.EntityType,
Properties = x.Properties,
ValueBufferFactory = relationalValueBufferFactoryFactory.Create(x.Properties)
.ToDictionary(e => e.EntityType.GetDiscriminatorValue() ?? e.EntityType, e => e)
var resultSetValues = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type));
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var instanceInfo = discriminatorIdx < 0 ? instanceTypeMapping[entityType] : instanceTypeMapping[reader[discriminatorIdx]];
var valueBuffer = instanceInfo.ValueBufferFactory.Create(reader);
var materializationAction = materializerSource.GetMaterializer(instanceInfo.EntityType);
resultSetValues.Add(materializationAction(new MaterializationContext(valueBuffer, dbContext)));
return resultSets;
And the extension typed methods
public static async Task<(IReadOnlyCollection<T1> FirstResultSet, IReadOnlyCollection<T2> SecondResultSet)> MultiResultSetsFromSql<T1, T2>(this DbContext dbContext, string sql, params object[] parameters)
var resultSetMappingTypes = new[]
typeof(T1), typeof(T2)
var resultSets = await MultiResultSetsFromSql(dbContext, resultSetMappingTypes, sql, parameters);
return ((IReadOnlyCollection<T1>)resultSets[0], (IReadOnlyCollection<T2>)resultSets[1]);
public static async Task<(IReadOnlyCollection<T1> FirstResultSet, IReadOnlyCollection<T2> SecondResultSet, IReadOnlyCollection<T3> ThirdResultSet)> MultiResultSetsFromSql<T1, T2, T3>(this DbContext dbContext, string sql, params object[] parameters)
var resultSetMappingTypes = new[]
typeof(T1), typeof(T2), typeof(T3)
var resultSets = await MultiResultSetsFromSql(dbContext, resultSetMappingTypes, sql, parameters);
return ((IReadOnlyCollection<T1>)resultSets[0], (IReadOnlyCollection<T2>)resultSets[1], (IReadOnlyCollection<T3>)resultSets[2]);
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 9
It works with this tiny change on EF core 5 according to Ricky G answer
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
and as sql parameter value for this extension method type your stored procedure name "dbo.testproc" example of usage:
var t1 = await _context.MultiResultSetsFromSql(new [] {typeof(proctestprocResult) },"dbo.testproc", sqlParameters);
works for me
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
Currently, EF Core doesn't not support this. see this example for retrieve multiple result sets.
Upvotes: 1