Reputation: 3927
I want to search all files with .xlsx extension, for now I'm using this:
for /R c:\ %%f in (*.xlsx) do set target=%%f
echo %target%
But, only searchs in "C" and does not includes the hidden files. So, my questions:
1) How can I search in all locations, I mean: C, D, E ... drives?
2) How I can search for hidden files too?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 150
Reputation: 18827
You can try something like that :
@echo off
Color 9A & Mode con cols=70 lines=5
Set "Ext=xlsx"
Title %~nx0 to search all *.%Ext% files
set "Log=%~dp0%Ext%_PATH.txt"
If Exist "%Log%" Del "%Log%"
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype=3" ^|find /i ":"') do (
set "Fixed_Drive=%%i"
Call :ShowMsg !Fixed_Drive!
@For /f "delims=" %%x in ('Dir /b /s /a "!Fixed_Drive!\*.%Ext%"') do (
@echo "%%x"
)>> "%Log%"
Start "" "%Log%"
echo ***********************************
Echo Please wait a while Scanning "%~1"
echo ***********************************
Timeout /T 2 /nobreak>nul
exit /b
Edit :
To make a multiple search by extension like .xlsx .docx at the same time and get a separte log archive per each extension, you should try like this way :
@echo off
Color 9A & Mode con cols=70 lines=5
Set "Ext=xlsx docx"
For %%a in (%Ext%) Do (
if exist "%~dp0%%a_PATH.txt" del "%~dp0%%a_PATH.txt"
Call :Search "%%a" "%~dp0%%a_PATH.txt"
For %%a in (%Ext%) Do (
If Exist "%~dp0%%a_PATH.txt" Start "" "%~dp0%%a_PATH.txt"
:Search <Ext> <Log>
Title %~nx0 to search all "*.%~1 files"
echo ***********************************
Echo Please wait a while Scanning "%~1"
echo ***********************************
Timeout /T 2 /nobreak>nul
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype=3" ^|find /i ":"') do (
set "Fixed_Drive=%%i"
@For /f "delims=" %%x in ('Dir /A:-D /b /s "!Fixed_Drive!\*.%~1"') do (
@echo "%%x"
)>> "%~2"
exit /b
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 38604
The Where
command searches 'hidden files', so using a method similar to Hackoo's:
@Echo(Searching...&@(For /F "Skip=1" %%A In ('WMIC LogicalDisk Where^
"DriveType>1 And DriveType!=5 And FreeSpace Is Not Null" Get DeviceID'
) Do @For %%B In (%%A) Do @For /F "Delims=" %%C In (
'Where/F /R %%B\ *.xlsx') Do @Echo=%%C)&Timeout -1
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 201368
At "for in", hidden files cannot be searched. Using option "/a" of "dir", hidden files can be srarched. To search all of files with the extension of "xlsx" on a drive, I thought following method. But about this, each drive name has to input by user.
Drive C:
dir c:\*.xlsx /b /s /a
Drive D:
dir d:\*.xlsx /b /s /a
If you want to use data from "dir" at a batch file, how about following script?
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set ct=0
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in (`dir c:\*.xlsx /b /s /a`) do (
set target[!ct!]=%%a
set /a ct=!ct!+1
set /a ct=%ct%-1
for /l %%i in (0,1,%ct%) do echo !target[%%i]!
Upvotes: 2