The scaleTimeRange(timeRange: CMTimeRange, toDuration duration: CMTime)
method works very well if one wants to apply Slow motion effect to video.
But I noticed that it only works if applied to the entire video's duration. If an arbitrary timeRange, e.g. a CMTimeRangeMake(_ start: 2, duration: 3)
is passed , the method doesn't seem to work at all. i.e. When the mp4 video is exported it doesn't have the desired slow motion effect (from 0:00:02 - 0:00:05)
Q 1) Is there a way to apply this scaleTimeRange
method to only a part of the video? If so, how can it be done?
Q2)If not , how can this slow motion effect be applied to only a part of the video? Is there any other way?
var asset: AVAsset?
func setupAsset(){
let videoAsset = AVURLAsset(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Sample", withExtension: "mp4")!)
let comp = AVMutableComposition()
let videoAssetSourceTrack = videoAsset.tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo).first! as AVAssetTrack
let videoCompositionTrack = comp.addMutableTrack(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo, preferredTrackID: kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid)
do {
try videoCompositionTrack.insertTimeRange(
CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero, CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(9 , 600)),
of: videoAssetSourceTrack,
at: kCMTimeZero)
let videoScaleFactor = Int64(3.0)
let videoDuration: CMTime = videoAsset.duration
let tstStartTime = CMTime(value: 2, timescale: videoDuration.timescale)
let tstDuration = CMTime(value: 1 , timescale: videoDuration.timescale)
//1. Applies slow motion correctly (to entire video)
videoCompositionTrack.scaleTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero , videoDuration), toDuration: CMTimeMake(videoDuration.value * videoScaleFactor, videoDuration.timescale))
//2. Replace with 1 , the exported video plays as is with no slow motion effect
videoCompositionTrack.scaleTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero , tstDuration), toDuration: CMTimeMake(tstDuration.value * videoScaleFactor, videoDuration.timescale))
// 3. Replace with 1, unexpected behaviour : video only displays first frame for CMTimeMakes's value then proceeds to play video normally.
videoCompositionTrack.scaleTimeRange(CMTimeRangeMake(tstStartTime , tstDuration), toDuration: CMTimeMake(tstDuration.value * videoScaleFactor, videoDuration.timescale))
videoCompositionTrack.preferredTransform = videoAssetSourceTrack.preferredTransform
}catch { print(error) }
asset = comp
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My guess is that it's working "correctly", but the portion of the video that you are slowing down is much, much smaller than you expect.
is a very unusual data structure, so it can be very confusing to wrap your head around it. What is the value of videoDuration.timescale
that you are using to construct the tstStartTime
and tstDuration
variables? The larger that timescale value is, the smaller the portion of time that is represented by the CMTime
For example, if the timescale is 4, then CMTime(value: 2, timescale: 4)
represents 2/4
seconds, or half a second.
For more information, see the documentation for CMTime
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