Reputation: 7599
Is it possible to re-implement deriving of Enum
type class using GHC
At first, it looks easy:
data Foo -- representation without metadata (wrong):
= Foo -- L1 U1
| Bar -- R1 (L1 U1)
| Baz -- R1 (R1 (L1 U1))
| Quux -- R1 (R1 (R1 U1))
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
-- Rep Foo p = (U1 :+: (U1 :+: (U1 :+: U1))) p
instance Enum Foo where
toEnum = undefined -- FIXME
fromEnum = gfromEnum . from
class GEnum f where
gfromEnum :: f p -> Int
instance GEnum U1 where
gfromEnum U1 = 0
instance GEnum f => GEnum (M1 i t f) where
gfromEnum (M1 x) = gfromEnum x
instance (GEnum x, GEnum y) => GEnum (x :+: y) where
gfromEnum (L1 x) = gfromEnum x
gfromEnum (R1 y) = 1 + gfromEnum y
However, this is not going to work:
λ> fromEnum Foo
λ> fromEnum Bar
λ> fromEnum Baz
λ> fromEnum Quux
This is because we can't rely on how arguments of (:+:)
are grouped. In
this case it seems they are nested like this:
((U1 :+: U1) :+: (U1 :+: U1)) p
So, is it possible to derive Enum
using Generics
? If yes, how?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 300
Reputation: 19637
Enum is one of many examples that are slightly awkward to write using the standard GHC Generics representation, because a lot of the structure of datatypes is left implicit (e.g. how sum and product constructors are nested, and where metadata occurs).
With generics-sop, you can (re-)define generic Enum instances in a slightly more straight-forward way:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, GADTs, PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, TypeOperators #-}
import Generics.SOP
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
We define a type synonym that captures what it means to be an enumeration type:
type IsEnumType a = All ((~) '[]) (Code a)
(Unfortunately, the (~) '[]
construction triggers a bug in GHC 8.0.1, but it works fine in GHC 8.0.2.) In generics-sop, the code of a datatype is a type-level list of lists. The outer list contains an element for each constructor, the inner lists contain the types of the constructor arguments. The IsEnumType
constraint says that all of the inner lists have to be empty, which means that none of the constructors must have any arguments.
gfromEnum :: (Generic a, IsEnumType a) => a -> Int
gfromEnum = conIndex . unSOP . from
conIndex :: NS f xs -> Int
conIndex (Z _) = 0
conIndex (S i) = 1 + conIndex i
The function from
turns a value into a sum-of-products representation, and unSOP
strips the outer constructor. We then have a sum structure to traverse. The NS
datatype representing n-ary sums has constructors Z
and S
that indicate exactly which constructor is being used, so we can simply traverse and count.
gtoEnum :: (Generic a, IsEnumType a) => Int -> a
gtoEnum i =
to (SOP (apInjs_NP (hcpure (Proxy @ ((~) '[])) Nil) !! i))
Here, the apInjs_NP (hcpure ...)
call produces the representations of
empty constructor applications for all constructors of the datatype. Unlike the gfromEnum
function, this actually makes use of the IsEnumType
constraint to be type correct (because we rely on the fact that none of the constructors take any arguments). We then selected the i
-th constructor out of the list and turn it back from the generic representation to the actual type by applying first SOP
and then to
To apply it to your sample type, you have to instantiate it to both GHC's and generic-sop's Generic
classes (or you can use TH for this, too):
data Foo = Foo | Bar | Baz | Quux
deriving (Show, Eq, GHC.Generic)
instance Generic Foo
Then you can test it:
GHCi> gfromEnum Baz
GHCi> gtoEnum 2 :: Foo
If you want, you can make gfromEnum
and gtoEnum
the default definitions for an Enum-like class, just as with GHC Generics.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 32319
GHC derives Generic
such that the L and R variants form a tree where the leaves are in Enum
order. Consider the following example (with trimmed output):
ghci> data D = A | B | C | D | E deriving (Generic)
ghci> from A
L1 (L1 U1)
ghci> from B
L1 (R1 U1)
ghci> from C
R1 (L1 U1)
ghci> from D
R1 (R1 (L1 U1))
ghci> from E
R1 (R1 (R1 U1)))
Notice that if you arranged these as a tree, toEnum `map` [1..]
is going to be the left to right traversal of the leaves. With that intuition, we'll start by defining a GLeaves
class which counts the number of leaves that a generic type (not a value!) has in its tree.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, PolyKinds, TypeApplications, TypeOperators,
DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Proxy
class GLeaves f where
-- | Counts the number of "leaves" (i.e. U1's) in the type `f`
gSize :: Proxy f -> Int
instance GLeaves U1 where
gSize _ = 1
instance GLeaves x => GLeaves (M1 i t x) where
gSize _ = gSize (Proxy :: Proxy x)
instance (GLeaves x, GLeaves y) => GLeaves (x :+: y) where
gSize _ = gSize (Proxy :: Proxy x) + gSize (Proxy :: Proxy y)
Now, we are in shape to define GEnum
. As is usual with this setup, we define our class Enum'
and have default signatures that rely on GEnum
class Enum' a where
toEnum' :: Int -> a
fromEnum' :: a -> Int
default toEnum' :: (Generic a, GEnum (Rep a)) => Int -> a
toEnum' = to . gToEnum
default fromEnum' :: (Generic a, GEnum (Rep a)) => a -> Int
fromEnum' = gFromEnum . from
class GEnum f where
gFromEnum :: f p -> Int
gToEnum :: Int -> f p
Finally, we get to the good stuff. For U1
and M1
, gFromEnum
and gToEnum
are both straightforward. For :+:
, gFromEnum
needs to find all of the leaves to the left of it, so if it is the right subtree we add the size of the left subtree (and if it is the left subtree we add nothing). Similarly, gToEnum
, checks whether it belong in the left or right subtree by checking if it is smaller than the number of leaves in the left subtree.
instance GEnum U1 where
gFromEnum U1 = 0
gToEnum n = if n == 0 then U1 else error "Outside enumeration range"
instance GEnum f => GEnum (M1 i t f) where
gFromEnum (M1 x) = gFromEnum x
gToEnum n = M1 (gToEnum n)
instance (GLeaves x, GEnum x, GEnum y) => GEnum (x :+: y) where
gFromEnum (L1 x) = gFromEnum x
gFromEnum (R1 y) = gSize (Proxy :: Proxy x) + gFromEnum y
gToEnum n = let s = gSize (Proxy :: Proxy x)
in if n < s then L1 (gToEnum n) else R1 (gToEnum (n - s))
Finally, you can test this in GHCi:
ghci> :set -XDeriveAnyClass -XDeriveGeneric
ghci> data D = A | B | C | D | E deriving (Show, Generic, Enum, Enum')
ghci> toEnum `map` [0 .. 4] :: [D]
ghci> toEnum' `map` [0 .. 4] :: [D]
ghci> fromEnum `map` [A .. E] :: [Int]
ghci> fromEnum' `map` [A .. E] :: [Int]
You may be thinking to yourself: this is super inefficient! We end up recalculating a bunch of sizes over and over - the worst case performance is at least O(n^2)
. The catch is that (hopefully), GHC will be able to optimize/inline the hell out of our specific Enum'
instances until there is nothing left of the initial Generic
Upvotes: 5