Reputation: 2133
I am creating a NetCDF4 file which currently has four variables:
1) Land Surface Temperature (3D array - time, latitude, longitude)
2) Longitude (1D - coordinate of each pixel centre)
3) Latitude (1D - coordinate of each pixel centre)
4) Time (time of image acquisition in hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00)
I am currently using the following code to do this:
#==========================WRITE THE NETCDF FILE==========================#
newfile = nc.Dataset(export_filename, 'w', format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
#==========================SET FILE DIMENSIONS============================#
newfile.createDimension('lat', ny)
newfile.createDimension('lon', nx)
newfile.createDimension('time', len(filenames))
#==========================SET GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES==========================#
newfile.title = ('Title')
newfile.history = "File created on " + datetime.strftime(, "%c")
newfile.Conventions = 'CF-1.6'
#==========================CREATE DATA VARIABLES==========================#
#--------------------------LST VARIABLE-----------------------------------#
LSTs = newfile.createVariable('LST', np.int16, ('time', 'lat', 'lon'), fill_value = -8000)
LSTs.units = 'Degrees C'
LSTs.add_offset = 273.15
LSTs.scale_factor = 0.01
LSTs.standard_name = 'LST'
LSTs.long_name = 'Land Surface Temperature'
LSTs.grid_mapping = 'latitude_longitude'
LSTs.coordinates = 'lon lat'
LSTs[:] = LSTd[:]
#--------------------------LON AND LAT AND TIME--------------------------#
LONGITUDEs = newfile.createVariable('LONGITUDE', np.float64, ('lon',))
LONGITUDEs.units = 'Decimal Degrees East'
LONGITUDEs.standard_name = 'Longitude'
LONGITUDEs.long_name = 'Longitude'
LATITUDEs = newfile.createVariable('LATITUDE', np.float64, ('lat',))
LATITUDEs.units = 'Decimal Degrees North'
LATITUDEs.standard_name = 'Latitude'
LATITUDEs.long_name = 'Latitude'
LATITUDEs[:] = LATd[:]
TIMEs = newfile.createVariable('TIME', np.int32, ('time',))
TIMEs.units = 'hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00'
TIMEs.standard_name = 'Time'
TIMEs.long_name = 'Time of Image Acquisition'
TIMEs.axis = 'T'
TIMEs.calendar = 'gregorian'
TIMEs[:] = time[:]
#--------------------------SAVE THE FILE---------------------------------#
This code produces a netCDF file with the land surface temperature variable having 24 bands (one for each hour of the day). This code works as I wanted it to albeit one small problem which I wish to address. When I run gdalinfo for the LST variable, I get (this is a reduced version):
Band 1.....
I want this value of 1 to be set to the same as the 'time' variable (which is something like 1081451 hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00) which I have included in my above code. I therefore want to understand how this can be changed for each band in the file?
UPDATE TO QUESTION: When I do gdalinfo on the file (again, a subset):
but there is an option missing 'NETCDF_DIM_time_VALUES' and I need to set this to the time variable and it should work. HOW DO I DO THIS?
At present it is just being set to the band number but I want it to contain information regarding its hour of acquisition.
I have tried to specify
LSTs.NETCDF_DIM_Time = time
during the netCDF file formation and this has assigned all values from time to the NETCDF_DIM_TIME in gdal so that each band has 24 time values rather than just one.
With some further digging I think it is the NETCDF_DIM_time_VALUES metadata which needs to be set to the 'time' variable. I have updated my question to ask how to do this.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2363
Reputation: 168
The variables associated with the dimensions should have the same name as the dimensions. So in your code above replace the create variable line with:
TIMEs = newfile.createVariable('time', np.int32, ('time',))
now gdalinfo knows where to find the data. I ran your code using dummy times [1000000, 1000024] and gdal info returns:
To answer your title question: You can't assign values to a Dimension but you can have a variable with the same name as the dimension that holds the data/values associated with the dimension. Readers of netcdf files, like gdal, look for conventions like this to interpret the data. See for example Unidata's 'Writing NetCDF Files: Best Practices' 'Coordinate Systems'
Upvotes: 4