Reputation: 15
I need some help learning how to handle rolling up data by hierarchy groupings in VBA (PivotTables and even tables are not going to be sufficient due to "end-user" limitations).
I have granular data that with three levels of groupings: Parent, Child, Grain. A Parent may have more than 1 Child; and each Child may have more than 1 Grain. I need to take the universe of granular data and perform some calculations and then produce reports a the Parent and Child levels. For illustrative purposes, below are hypothetical structure/layout of source and desired outputs.
I've explored using Dictionaries and Collections, but neither seems to have the ability to restrict to unique/distinct relationships. For example, Dictionary will restrict to distinct Keys but will allow repetitive string values.
For example: Plants: Edible_Or_Not / Classification / Type / item
Edible / Fruit / Apple / Granny Smith
Edible / Fruit / Apple / Red Delicious
Edible / Vegetable / Asparagus / Asparagus
Nonedible / Tree / Maple / Red
1) Edible composed of Fruit and Vegetable
2) Fruit composed of Apple
3) Apple composed of Granny Smith and Red Delicious.
Below are the layouts more accurately representing my data.
Parent Category Label|Child Category Label|Granular Label|DataPoint1|DataPoint2…|DataPoint3
String A|String z|string z.g1.g2.g3|5|FALSE|1/1/1960
String A|String y|String y.g1.g2.g3|0|TRUE|1/2/1970
String B|String w|String w.g1.g2.g3|0|TRUE|9/5/1980
String C|String m|String m.g1.g2.g3|100|TRUE|1/1/1949
String C|String m|String m.g1a.g2.g3|2|FALSE|2/14/2008
String C|String n|String n.g1.g2.g3|2|TRUE|1/1/1950
String C|String o|String o.g1.g2.g3|0|FALSE|1/1/1905
String C|String o|String o.g1a.g2a.g3|0|FALSE|3/1/1977
String C|String p|String p.g1.g2.g3|1|FALSE|4/1/2000
Rollup Need Example #1||||
Parent|Distinct Children Count|Child1|Child 2|….Child(# - last)
String A|2|String Z|String Y||
String B|1|String w|||
String C|4|String m|String n|...String p|
Rollup Need Example #2||||
Parent|Calculated Value ->|Sum DataPoint1 if and only if: (DataPoint 2 = "T" OR (inclusive) DataPoint1 <>0 )AND where DataPoint3 >=1/1/1950
Upvotes: 1
Views: 686
Reputation: 33165
I'm going to assume you have three ListObjects
on three sheets in an Excel Workbook.
Sheet1 (tblParent)
Sheet2 (tblChild)
Item Parent
z A
y A
w B
m C
n C
o C
p C
Sheet3 (tblGrain)
Grain Parent Data1 Data2 Data3
y.g1.g2.g3 y 0 TRUE 1/2/1970
w.g1.g2.g3 w 0 TRUE 9/5/1980
m.g1.g2.g3 m 100 TRUE 1/1/1949
n.g1.g2.g3 n 2 TRUE 1/1/1950
I would create six class modules named CParent
, CParents
, CChild
, CChildren
, CGrain
, CGrains
Private mcolParents As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolParents = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mcolParents = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolParents.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub Add(clsParent As CParent)
If clsParent.ParentID = 0 Then
clsParent.ParentID = Me.Count + 1
End If
mcolParents.Add clsParent, CStr(clsParent.ParentID)
End Sub
Public Property Get Parent(vItem As Variant) As CParent
Set Parent = mcolParents.Item(vItem)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = mcolParents.Count
End Property
Public Sub FillFromRange(ByRef rParents As Range, ByRef rChildren As Range, ByRef rGrains As Range)
Dim vaParents As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim clsParent As CParent
vaParents = rParents.Value
For i = LBound(vaParents, 1) To UBound(vaParents, 1)
Set clsParent = New CParent
With clsParent
.Name_ = vaParents(i, 1)
End With
Me.Add clsParent
clsParent.Children.FillFromRange rChildren, clsParent.Name_, rGrains
Next i
End Sub
Private mlParentID As Long
Private msName_ As String
Private mclsChildren As CChildren
Public Property Set Children(ByVal clsChildren As CChildren): Set mclsChildren = clsChildren: End Property
Public Property Get Children() As CChildren: Set Children = mclsChildren: End Property
Public Property Let ParentID(ByVal lParentID As Long): mlParentID = lParentID: End Property
Public Property Get ParentID() As Long: ParentID = mlParentID: End Property
Public Property Let Name_(ByVal sName_ As String): msName_ = sName_: End Property
Public Property Get Name_() As String: Name_ = msName_: End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mclsChildren = New CChildren
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mclsChildren = Nothing
End Sub
Private mcolChildren As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolChildren = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mcolChildren = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolChildren.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub Add(clsChild As CChild)
If clsChild.ChildID = 0 Then
clsChild.ChildID = Me.Count + 1
End If
mcolChildren.Add clsChild, CStr(clsChild.ChildID)
End Sub
Public Property Get Child(vItem As Variant) As CChild
Set Child = mcolChildren.Item(vItem)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = mcolChildren.Count
End Property
Public Sub FillFromRange(ByRef rRng As Range, ByVal sParentName As String, ByRef rGrains As Range)
Dim vaValues As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim clsChild As CChild
vaValues = rRng.Value
For i = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
If vaValues(i, 2) = sParentName Then
Set clsChild = New CChild
With clsChild
.Name_ = vaValues(i, 1)
End With
Me.Add clsChild
clsChild.Grains.FillFromRange rGrains, clsChild.Name_
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private mlChildID As Long
Private msName_ As String
Private mclsGrains As CGrains
Public Property Set Grains(ByVal clsGrains As CGrains): Set mclsGrains = clsGrains: End Property
Public Property Get Grains() As CGrains: Set Grains = mclsGrains: End Property
Public Property Let ChildID(ByVal lChildID As Long): mlChildID = lChildID: End Property
Public Property Get ChildID() As Long: ChildID = mlChildID: End Property
Public Property Let Name_(ByVal sName_ As String): msName_ = sName_: End Property
Public Property Get Name_() As String: Name_ = msName_: End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mclsGrains = New CGrains
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mclsGrains = Nothing
End Sub
Private mcolGrains As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolGrains = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mcolGrains = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolGrains.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub Add(clsGrain As CGrain)
If clsGrain.GrainID = 0 Then
clsGrain.GrainID = Me.Count + 1
End If
mcolGrains.Add clsGrain, CStr(clsGrain.GrainID)
End Sub
Public Property Get Grain(vItem As Variant) As CGrain
Set Grain = mcolGrains.Item(vItem)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = mcolGrains.Count
End Property
Public Sub FillFromRange(ByRef rRng As Range, ByVal sChildName As String)
Dim vaValues As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim clsGrain As CGrain
vaValues = rRng.Value
For i = LBound(vaValues, 1) To UBound(vaValues, 1)
If vaValues(i, 2) = sChildName Then
Set clsGrain = New CGrain
With clsGrain
.Data1 = vaValues(i, 3)
.Data2 = vaValues(i, 4)
.Data3 = vaValues(i, 5)
End With
Me.Add clsGrain
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private mlGrainID As Long
Private mlData1 As Long
Private mbData2 As Boolean
Private mdtData3 As Date
Public Property Let GrainID(ByVal lGrainID As Long): mlGrainID = lGrainID: End Property
Public Property Get GrainID() As Long: GrainID = mlGrainID: End Property
Public Property Let Data1(ByVal lData1 As Long): mlData1 = lData1: End Property
Public Property Get Data1() As Long: Data1 = mlData1: End Property
Public Property Let Data2(ByVal bData2 As Boolean): mbData2 = bData2: End Property
Public Property Get Data2() As Boolean: Data2 = mbData2: End Property
Public Property Let Data3(ByVal dtData3 As Date): mdtData3 = dtData3: End Property
Public Property Get Data3() As Date: Data3 = mdtData3: End Property
All this has done so far is to create three objects, establish relationships between them, and provide a way to fill them with data from an Excel range.
The relationships are established in the single object classes (not the plural ones). The CParent
class has a property that holds a CChildren
collection class. All of the children for that parent are stored in that class. The CChildren
class holds a bunch of CChild
objects. Each CChild
object has a property CGrains
that holds all the grains for that child. This is a lot of setup, but the payoff is coming.
Next, in a standard module, I want to create the procedure that fills the classes.
Public gclsParents As CParents
Public Sub Initialize()
Set gclsParents = New CParents
gclsParents.FillFromRange Sheet1.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange, Sheet2.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange, Sheet3.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange
End Sub
I create a Public variable for the top collection class so it doesn't go out of scope. In Intialize
, I instantiate the top collection class variable and call the FillFromRange
method. I pass it my three Excel tables and the code fills in the all the classes.
Now lets say you wanted to create a procedure that listed all parents, a count of their children, and a list of their children.
Public Sub ListChildren()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim vaWrite As Variant
If gclsParents Is Nothing Then Initialize
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
vaWrite = gclsParents.ChildListToRange
sh.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(vaWrite, 1), UBound(vaWrite, 2)).Value = vaWrite
End Sub
My CParents
instance (held in gclsParents
) returns an array that is dumped to a new sheet. The output looks like
A 2 z,y
B 1 w
C 4 m,n,o,p
Now you have to create the ChildListToRange
method. Add this to the CParents
Public Property Get ChildListToRange() As Variant
Dim aReturn() As Variant
Dim clsParent As CParent
Dim lCnt As Long
ReDim aReturn(1 To Me.Count, 1 To 3)
For Each clsParent In Me
lCnt = lCnt + 1
aReturn(lCnt, 1) = clsParent.Name_
aReturn(lCnt, 2) = clsParent.Children.Count
aReturn(lCnt, 3) = clsParent.ChildListDelimited(",")
Next clsParent
ChildListToRange = aReturn
End Property
The first two columns in the array are already defined, but we need to create a ChildListDelimited
property in the CParent
class. Add this to CParent
Public Property Get ChildListDelimited(ByVal sDelim As String) As String
Dim clsChild As CChild
Dim aReturn() As String
Dim lCnt As Long
ReDim aReturn(1 To Me.Children.Count)
For Each clsChild In Me.Children
lCnt = lCnt + 1
aReturn(lCnt) = clsChild.Name_
Next clsChild
ChildListDelimited = Join(aReturn, sDelim)
End Property
You supply a delimiter, this property returns a string of all the children separated by that delimiter.
And that's it. Your first report is done. Next, you want to create a report that sums up Data1
with certain criteria. Create this procedure in a standard module
Public Sub SummarizeValues()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim vaWrite As Variant
Dim clsToSum As CParents
If gclsParents Is Nothing Then Initialize
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
Set clsToSum = gclsParents.FilterByData2(True).FilterByData3(DateSerial(1950, 1, 1), ">=")
vaWrite = clsToSum.SummarizeGrainValues
sh.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(vaWrite, 1), UBound(vaWrite, 2)).Value = vaWrite
End Sub
That looks a lot like the first procedure except that the CParents
property that returns the array (to be written to a worksheet) is different. Also, we do some filtering. In the first procedure, we wanted every parent. Now we only want parents that meet certain criteria. For that, create a couple of FilterBy
properties. In CParents
Public Property Get FilterByData2(ByVal lData As Long) As CParents
Dim clsParent As CParent
Dim clsNewParent As CParent
Dim clsChild As CChild
Dim clsReturn As CParents
Set clsReturn = New CParents
For Each clsParent In Me
Set clsNewParent = New CParent
clsNewParent.Name_ = clsParent.Name_
Set clsNewParent.Children = clsParent.Children.FilterByData2(lData)
If clsNewParent.Children.Count > 0 Then
clsReturn.Add clsNewParent
End If
Next clsParent
Set FilterByData2 = clsReturn
End Property
This is a common filtering property. It takes a big CParents
instance (gclsParents
in this case) and returns a smaller one. If it finds children that meet the criteria, it adds the parent to the return class. Otherwise it doesn't. But you'll need to pass that criteria down to the children. Add this to the CChildren
Public Property Get FilterByData2(ByVal lData As Long) As CChildren
Dim clsChild As CChild
Dim clsNewChild As CChild
Dim clsGrain As CGrain
Dim clsReturn As CChildren
Set clsReturn = New CChildren
For Each clsChild In Me
Set clsNewChild = New CChild
clsNewChild.Name_ = clsChild.Name_
Set clsNewChild.Grains = clsChild.Grains.FilterByData2(lData)
If clsNewChild.Grains.Count > 0 Then
clsReturn.Add clsNewChild
End If
Next clsChild
Set FilterByData2 = clsReturn
End Property
And add this to the CGrains
Public Property Get FilterByData2(ByVal lData As Long) As CGrains
Dim clsGrain As CGrain
Dim clsReturn As CGrains
Set clsReturn = New CGrains
For Each clsGrain In Me
If clsGrain.Data2 = lData Then
clsReturn.Add clsGrain
End If
Next clsGrain
Set FilterByData2 = clsReturn
End Property
All that returns a CParents
instance with the only the parents that eventually have a grain with true in Data2
From that already smaller CParents
instance, we tack on another filter. Add this to CParents
Public Property Get FilterByData3(ByVal dtData As Date, ByVal sComp As String) As CParents
Dim clsParent As CParent
Dim clsNewParent As CParent
Dim clsChild As CChild
Dim clsReturn As CParents
Set clsReturn = New CParents
For Each clsParent In Me
Set clsNewParent = New CParent
clsNewParent.Name_ = clsParent.Name_
Set clsNewParent.Children = clsParent.Children.FilterByData3(dtData, sComp)
If clsNewParent.Children.Count > 0 Then
clsReturn.Add clsNewParent
End If
Next clsParent
Set FilterByData3 = clsReturn
End Property
Because this filter uses an inequality, it gets a little more complicated as we'll see in a minute. For now, add this to CChildren
Public Property Get FilterByData3(ByVal dtData As Date, ByVal sComp As String) As CChildren
Dim clsChild As CChild
Dim clsNewChild As CChild
Dim clsGrain As CGrain
Dim clsReturn As CChildren
Set clsReturn = New CChildren
For Each clsChild In Me
Set clsNewChild = New CChild
clsNewChild.Name_ = clsChild.Name_
Set clsNewChild.Grains = clsChild.Grains.FilterByData3(dtData, sComp)
If clsNewChild.Grains.Count > 0 Then
clsReturn.Add clsNewChild
End If
Next clsChild
Set FilterByData3 = clsReturn
End Property
And add this to CGrains
Public Property Get FilterByData3(ByVal dtData As Date, ByVal sComp As String) As CGrains
Dim clsGrain As CGrain
Dim clsReturn As CGrains
Dim bAdd As Boolean
Set clsReturn = New CGrains
For Each clsGrain In Me
Select Case sComp
Case ">="
bAdd = clsGrain.Data3 >= dtData
Case ">"
bAdd = clsGrain.Data3 > dtData
Case "<"
bAdd = clsGrain.Data3 < dtData
Case "<="
bAdd = clsGrain.Data3 <= dtData
Case Else
bAdd = clsGrain.Data3 = dtData
End Select
If bAdd Then
clsReturn.Add clsGrain
End If
Next clsGrain
Set FilterByData3 = clsReturn
End Property
You can see in CGrains
that I have to use a Select Case
to figure out what inequality you want. But other that wrinkle, it does the same thing as the first filter.
Now you have a variable clsToSum
that is a CParents
instance that only contains parents you want. You've already done the filtering, now all you have to do it sum stuff up. Add this to CParents
Public Property Get SummarizeGrainValues() As Variant
Dim clsParent As CParent
Dim aReturn() As Variant
Dim lCnt As Long
ReDim aReturn(1 To Me.Count, 1 To 2)
For Each clsParent In Me
lCnt = lCnt + 1
aReturn(lCnt, 1) = clsParent.Name_
aReturn(lCnt, 2) = clsParent.SumData1
Next clsParent
SummarizeGrainValues = aReturn
End Property
Now you have to add SumData1
to CParent
Public Property Get SumData1() As Long
Dim lReturn As Long
Dim clsChild As CChild
Dim clsGrain As CGrain
For Each clsChild In Me.Children
For Each clsGrain In clsChild.Grains
lReturn = lReturn + clsGrain.Data1
Next clsGrain
Next clsChild
SumData1 = lReturn
End Property
That loops through all the grains in all the children and adds them up. The output looks like
A 0
B 0
C 2
Now that the infrastructure is done, you can create any manner of report you want. You simply have to set up whatever filters you need and any aggregation properties you want to report.
I probably should have said this at the top, but if you put these three tables in a proper relational database, you can accomplish all this with two fairly short SQL statements.
If you want to see it all together in a workbook, download this
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1593
Custom classes would allow you to create a hierarchy, the example class below is to get you started.
A parent object can place child objects within the container collection and then perform rollup calculations aggregating all objects within the collection.
Assuming you place child objects within the collection you could place grain objects within their container also and create a hierarchy as suits.
Private pContainer As New Collection
Private pTitle As String
Private pValueToSum As Double
Public Property Get Container() As Collection
Set Container = pContainer
End Property
Public Property Let Container(value As Collection)
Set pContainer = value
End Property
Public Property Get GetTotals() As Double
Dim dbl As Double
Dim var As Variant
For Each var In Me.Container
dbl = dbl + var.ValueToSum
Next var
GetTotals = dbl
End Property
Upvotes: 0