Reputation: 16745
I am facing two issues in implementing Forms in Play. I have defined a custom field constructor in Application.scala (controller package)
object MyHelpers {
import views.html.helper.FieldConstructor
implicit val myFields = FieldConstructor(myFieldConstructor.f)
I have created following template in myFieldConstructor.scala.html
@(elements: helper.FieldElements)
<div class="@elements.args('class)">
<label for="">@elements.label</label>
<div >
<span class="errors">@elements.errors.mkString(", ")</span>
<span class="help">@elements.infos.mkString(", ")</span>
In main.scala.html,I have imported my custom field constructor and I expect that following code should work
@import controllers.Application._
@import MyHelpers._
@helper.inputText(form("name"), 'class->"container", 'placeholder->"Enter name", '_label -> "What is your Name", '_help -> "First name, Last Name",
But the framework is not picking my passed arguments. Following line in template code doesn't compile and gives error that 'class is not defined.
[NoSuchElementException: key not found: 'class]
@(elements: helper.FieldElements)
**<div class="@elements.args('class)">**
But things work if I pass my field constructor as an argument and remopve the import statement.
@*import MyHelpers._*@
@helper.inputText(form("name"), 'class->"container", 'placeholder->"Enter name", '_label -> "What is your Name", '_help -> "First name, Last Name",
'_mycolor->"#0000FF")**(handler=MyHelpers.myFields, implicitly[Lang])**
Of course, my template is applied to inputText only and not for other elements in the page.
Question - Shouldn't the framework use my field constructor if I import it?
I tried to set my custom constructor as default but the code didn't compile
@implicitField = @{MyHelpers.myFields}
not found: value implicitField
Question - Why implicitField doesn't work when its use is mentioned in Play framework
Upvotes: 0
Views: 113
Reputation: 16745
I found the problem. In the HTML, I had a select field""), List(("united kingdom","UK"),("outside united kingdom","Non-UK")))
The custom field constructor was in fact set properly. As I didn't pass 'class in code, the template code failed when trying to render the select field. The code worked on passing 'class""), List(("united kingdom","UK"),("outside united kingdom","Non-UK")),'class->"container")
Upvotes: 0