Reputation: 11
I have used PDFBox from: Tom Roush PDFBox Android and imported it into the build.gradel: dependencies {compile 'org.apache:pdfbox-android:'}
But everytime I run the Activity just the Toast appears, but the filled PDF file can't be found. The PDF is located in the /assets folder. I have created this folder by myself in /app/src/main/assets. I use Android Studio.
The Activity:
public class GwmProbenActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
DatabaseHelperAllgemeineDaten myDb;
public String stOrt;
public String stProgramm;
public String stName;
public String stDatum;
File root;
AssetManager assetManager;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
stDatum = intent.getStringExtra("datum");
myDb = new DatabaseHelperAllgemeineDaten(this);
root = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
assetManager = getAssets();
public void fillPDF() {
try {
// Load the document and get the AcroForm
PDDocument document = PDDocument.load("Vorlage_GWM- Protokoll.pdf"));
PDDocumentCatalog docCatalog = document.getDocumentCatalog();
PDAcroForm acroForm = docCatalog.getAcroForm();
// Fill the text field
PDFieldTreeNode field = acroForm.getField("ProbenahmeDatum");
String path = root.getAbsolutePath() + "/Download/Vorlage_GWM-Protokoll1";
Toast.makeText(this,"Saved filled form to " + path,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();;
catch (IOException ioe)
public void speichern (View v) {
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Views: 866
Reputation: 11
I have added the ".pdf" and moved the Toast behind the document.close(). Now the Toast doesn't show up and I can't find the file in storage/emulated/0/Download.
Since API 23+ you need to check for permissions in the Activity. This is was the solution.
Upvotes: 1