Reputation: 452
Even though the title sounds complicated, my actual problem should not be too hard to model. However, I have not been able to find a good algorithm to do the following:
I want to cover a set of squares on a grid with a fixed number n of rectangles. These rectangles may overlap and they only have to cover the outer edges of my shape.
The number of different rectangles on a sqare m x m grid is
Thereby the number of combinations a brute-force-approach would have to try is in
That would be 27,680,640,625 combinations for a 10 x 10 grid and only 3 rectangles.
The initial grid with some squares on it could look like this:
n = 1: The optimal way to cover this shape with a single rectangle would then be:
n = 2: The amount of covered empty squares can be reduced using two rectangles like this:
(Note that the center is now covered by two rectangles)
I am looking for a solution that does cover at least all squares that are part of the outer edge, i.e. all filled squares that share an edge on the grid width an empty square.
All squares that are not part of the outer edge of the shape may or may not be covered, the covering rectangles may or may not intersect.
Given a fixed number of covering rectangles n, I want to cover all filled squares but minimise the the number of covered empty squares outside of the shape. This means that the empty square in the center should not count towards the target function that has to be minimised (I could also fill all the holes before applying the algorithm without it making a difference).
The value of the target function for my example is thereby:
n | target function
1 | 11
2 | 3
Note that the original set of squares may not be connected and that the number of non-connected subshapes may even exceed the number of covering rectangles.
To simplify the problem, you could also just work on a transformed version of the input data:
Then the aim is to cover all blue squares and minimise the number of covered white squares using n rectangles which may intersect.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 674
Reputation: 61519
Well, I haven't yet thought of a P-class solution, but it did occur to me that this problem may be a good candidate for stochastic solutions.
Notably, there's an easily-defined feasible starting point: just set all of the cover rectangles to the extents of the bounding box of the target squares.
From this initial state, new valid states can be generated by reducing one of the bounds of the cover rectangles and checking to see that all of the target squares are still covered.
Further, the path between any two states is likely to be short (each rectangle can be reduced to its appropriate dimension in O(√n) time, where n is the number of squares in the bounding box), meaning that it's easy to move around the search space. Though this comes with the caveat that some possible solutions are separated by a narrow path back through the initial state, which means that rerunning the algorithm we're about to develop a few times is probably good.
Given the foregoing, simulated annealing is a possible means to address the problem. The following Python script implements it:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
import numpy as np
import copy
import math
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
#Generate a grid
class Grid:
def __init__(self,grid_array):
self.grid = np.array(grid_array)
self.width = len(self.grid[0]) #Use inclusive coordinates
self.height = len(self.grid) #Use inclusive coordinates
#Convert into a list of cells
self.cells = {}
for y in range(len(self.grid)):
for x in range(len(self.grid[y])):
self.cells[(x,y)] = self.grid[y][x]
#Find all cells which are border cells (the ones we need covered)
self.borders = []
for c in self.cells:
for dx in [-1,0,1]: #Loop through neighbors
for dy in [-1,0,1]:
n = (c[0]+dx,c[1]+dy) #This is the neighbor
if self.cells[c]==1 and self.cells.get(n, 1)==0: #See if this cell has a neighbor with value 0. Use default return to simplify code
#Ensure grid contains only valid target cells
self.grid = np.zeros((self.height,self.width))
for b in self.borders:
self.grid[b[1],b[0]] = 1
self.ntarget = np.sum(self.grid)
def copy(self):
return self.grid.copy()
#A state is valid if the bounds of each rectangle are inside the bounding box of
#the target squares and all the target squares are covered.
def ValidState(rects):
#Check bounds
if not (np.all(0<=rects[0::4]) and np.all(rects[0::4]<g.width)): #x
return False
if not (np.all(0<=rects[1::4]) and np.all(rects[1::4]<g.height)): #y
return False
if not (np.all(0<=rects[2::4]) and np.all(rects[2::4]<=g.width)): #w
return False
if not (np.all(0<=rects[3::4]) and np.all(rects[3::4]<=g.height)): #h
return False
fullmask = np.zeros((g.height,g.width))
for r in range(0,len(rects),4):
fullmask[rects[r+1]:rects[r+3],rects[r+0]:rects[r+2]] = 1
return np.sum(fullmask * g.grid)==g.ntarget
#Mutate a randomly chosen bound of a rectangle. Keep trying this until we find a
#mutation that leads to a valid state.
def MutateRects(rects):
current_state = rects.copy()
while True:
rects = current_state.copy()
c = random.randint(0,len(rects)-1)
rects[c] += random.randint(-1,1)
if ValidState(rects):
return rects
#Determine the score of a state. The score is the sum of the number of times
#each empty space is covered by a rectangle. The best solutions will minimize
#this count.
def EvaluateState(rects):
score = 0
invgrid = -(g.grid-1) #Turn zeros into ones, and ones into zeros
for r in range(0,len(rects),4):
mask = np.zeros((g.height,g.width))
mask[rects[r+1]:rects[r+3],rects[r+0]:rects[r+2]] = 1
score += np.sum(mask * invgrid)
return score
#Print the list of rectangles (useful for showing output)
def PrintRects(rects):
for r in range(0,len(rects),4):
mask = np.zeros((g.height,g.width))
mask[rects[r+1]:rects[r+3],rects[r+0]:rects[r+2]] = 1
#Input grid is here
gridi = [[0,0,1,0,0],
g = Grid(gridi)
#Number of rectangles we wish to solve with
rect_count = 2
#A rectangle is defined as going from (x,y)-(w,h) where (w,h) is an upper bound
#on the array coordinates. This allows efficient manipulation of rectangles as
#numpy arrays
rects = []
for r in range(rect_count):
rects += [0,0,g.width,g.height]
rects = np.array(rects)
#Might want to run a few times since the initial state is something of a
#bottleneck on moving around the search space
sols = []
for i in range(10):
#Use simulated annealing to solve the problem
func = EvaluateState,
take_step = MutateRects,
x0 = rects,
disp = True,
niter = 3000
#Get a minimum solution and display it
PrintRects(min(sols, key=lambda x: x['lowest_optimization_result']['fun'])['x'])
Here's a display of the algorithm's progress for the the ten runs I specify in my example code above as a function of the number of iterations (I've added some jitter so you can see all of the lines):
You'll note that most (8/10) of the runs find the minima at 8 early on. Likewise, of the 6/10 runs that find the minima at 5, most of them do so early on. This suggests that it may be better to run many shorter searches rather than a few long searches. Choosing appropriate lengths and numbers of runs will be a matter of experimentation.
Note that EvaluateState
adds points for each time an empty square is covered by a rectangle. This disincentivizes redundant coverage which may be necessary to find a solution or may result in getting to a solution faster. It's pretty common for cost functions to include this sort of thing. Experimenting with a cost function that directly asks for what you want is easy - just replace EvaluateState
as follows:
#Determine the score of a state. The score is the sum of the number of times
#each empty space is covered by a rectangle. The best solutions will minimize
#this count.
def EvaluateState(rects):
score = 0
invgrid = -(g.grid-1) #Turn zeros into ones, and ones into zeros
mask = np.zeros((g.height,g.width))
for r in range(0,len(rects),4):
mask[rects[r+1]:rects[r+3],rects[r+0]:rects[r+2]] = 1
score += np.sum(mask * invgrid)
return score
Using this cost function does seem to produce better results in this case:
That may be because it provides more transition paths for rectangles between feasible states. But I'd keep the other function in mind if you hit difficulties.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2672
I have a different problem that I'd like to propose:
say you have three isolated squares what are the possibilities:
one rectangle covering all three
two rectangles, with 3 possibilities covering 2 +1
and three rectangles covering one each
so the order is Sum_i n_choose_i
much smaller than your order
polynomial in any case on n rather than exponential.
Then you can trim down your solution (which are conflicting by the way: which is better fewer rectangles or lesser empty cell, but you can cover that)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51326
Not a complete solution, but some (optimality-preserving-under-certain-conditions) reduction rules:
You can represent any partial solution by turning all cells covered by already-placed rectangles (whether they be originally blue or white) pink; pink cells are cells that may be covered by (further) rectangles at no cost, but do not need to be covered. If you are looking for a solution in which no white squares at all are covered, you can then apply a strengthened form of rule 1 to shrink the instance: not only can you merge identical adjacent pairs of rows and columns as before, you can first change some pink cells to blue according to the following rule, which may enable more merges to take place. The rule for two adjacent columns is: If every white cell in column 1 is also white in column 2 and vice versa, then in every row that contains one pink and one blue cell, you can change the pink cell to blue. (Rationale: Some non-white-cell-covering rectangle must eventually cover the blue cell; this rectangle can be stretched to cover the pink cell too, without covering any new white cell.) Example:
BP --> BB --> B
You need never consider a rectangle that is a proper subrectangle of a rectangle that covers no white cells.
Some further ideas:
Simply resizing the image to a smaller size, where the new height is an integer factor of the original height and similarly for the width, and a cell is blue iff any cell in the corresponding block of cells in the original image was blue, should give a good approximate subproblem that is easier to solve. (Pad the original image with white cells if necessary.) After solving this smaller problem and reexpanding the solution up to the original size, you may be able to trim further rows or columns off the edges of some rectangles.
Upvotes: 2