Reputation: 31
def deleteDept = {
def departmentInstance = Department.findByName(
if (!departmentInstance) {
println "no dept instance"
throw new org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.NewInstanceCreationException ("could not create DeptInstance for ${}")
} else if (departmentInstance.paySvcs && !departmentInstance.paySvcs.isEmpty()){
println "instance with paySvcs"
// !!!! do not delete the department if it has payment services !!!!
// render(view: "editDept", model: [departmentInstance: departmentInstance])
redirect(action: "editDept", id:
} else{
println "proceed to delete"
try {
departmentInstance.delete(flush: true)
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'department.label', default: 'Department'),])}"
redirect(action: "appAdmin", id:
catch (org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
println "something went wrong"
flash.message = "${message(code: 'default.not.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'department.label', default: 'Department'),])}"
redirect(action: "editDept", id:
def AppAdminController controller = new AppAdminController() // create the controller
controller.metaClass.message = { Map p -> return "foo" } // message dummy returning garbage - work around the controller message exception
controller.params.department = [name:"dept1", phone:"817-273-3260", g_password:"password", street:"Main St.", g_userID:"user", unitCode:"1234567", email:"[email protected]", zip:"75097", fax:"817-273-2222"]
def dept2 = new Department (name: "Dept2", unitCode: "1234568", street: "Main St.", zip: "75097", fax: "817-273-2222", phone: "817-273 3260", email: "[email protected]", g_userID: "user", g_password: "password")
def dept1 = new Department (name: "Dept1", unitCode: "1234568", street: "Main St.", zip: "75097", fax: "817-273-2222", phone: "817-273 3260", email: "[email protected]", g_userID: "user", g_password: "password")
def math = new PaySvc()
def another = new PaySvc()
dept.paySvcs = []
mockDomain(Department, [dept1, dept2])
def svcTest = Department.findByName("Dept1")
assertNotNull svcTest // record Dept1 exists
assertEquals 2, svcTest.paySvcs.size() // 2 paySvcs total
controller.deleteDept() // calling the action
svcTest = null
svcTest = Department.findByName("Dept1")
assertNotNull svcTest // record Dept1 still exists, it was not deleted
// can't test render, controller.response.contentAsString is null
// but testing at the UI is OK
// assertEquals "editDept", controller.response.contentAsString // action should render "editDept"
assertEquals "editDept", controller.redirectArgs.action
render(view: "editDept", model: [departmentInstance: departmentInstance])
works when testing manually at the UI. But in the integration test the controller.response is null when using render, but returns the expected redirectArg when using redirect. Any ideas why?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2778
Reputation: 4128
May be far too late but may help someone else:
with render
, you need to use the modelAndView
object on your controller, such as the following example:
assertEquals controller.modelAndView.model.departmentInstance, departmentInstance
assertEquals controller.modelAndView.viewName, "/test/editDept"
Good luck !
Upvotes: 10