Reputation: 55
I tried to write simple greeting program using assembly x86 that takes user name and print out "Hello [userName]" the problem is the first char of user name is doubled when printing the greeting msg , for example :
input :
Black Knight
output :
Hello BBlack Knight
and here's my code
global _start
section .data
msg1 db "Hello "
user_input times 20 db 0
section .bss
section .text
_start :
; read
mov eax , 3
mov ebx , 0
mov ecx , user_input
mov edx , 20
int 0x80
; write
mov eax , 4
mov ebx , 1
mov ecx , msg1
mov edx , 7
int 0x80
mov eax , 4
mov ebx , 1
mov ecx , user_input
mov edx , 20
int 0x80
; exit
mov eax , 1
mov ebx , 0
int 0x80
Upvotes: 1
Views: 888
Reputation: 16379
This is happening because of this code:
; write
mov eax , 4
mov ebx , 1
mov ecx , msg1
mov edx , 7
int 0x80
You are here telling the write instruction that the string to print is 7 bytes in length when it is, in fact, 6.
Why the doubled B? Because in memory, the inputted name appears beginning in the byte immediately following msg1
You could solve this by printing only 6 characters (Hello + space) or by adding a null terminator to the end of your msg
Upvotes: 2