Reputation: 677
Question: Is there a way in (maybe pl/pgsql function way?) to create an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE query on a specific table using the values found in my log table (namely the values 'action', 'schema_name', 'table_name', 'column_name', 'data_type' (i.e. the column data type), and 'new_val'?).
The table being logged and the table that I need to run the INSERT/UPDATE/ or DELETE on looks like this:
..and the log table looks like this:
...the 4 highlighted log entries should be INSERT'ed into the table like this:
... I'm trying to find a way to run a INSERT/UPDATE/or DELETE on ANOTHER DATABASE table (which is identical in names/schema/etc to the table being logged) after a selection of the specific 'usr' and 'event_date' in the logging table.
To just get the results I want (for the INSERT statement only - see below) the SQL is pretty knarly (demo in SQL FIDDLE). I'm pretty interested in finding out if another way is possible....
INSERT INTO Engineering.Elective_Courses
(gid, grade, class, student_id)
t1 AS
(Select new_val
From student.history
column_name = 'gid'
usr = 'Principal K.'
(event_date >= '2017-01-26' AND event_date < '2017-01-29')),
t2 AS (Select new_val
From student.history
column_name = 'grade'
usr = 'Principal K.'
(event_date >= '2017-01-26' AND event_date < '2017-01-29')),
t3 AS (Select new_val
From student.history
column_name = 'class'
usr = 'Principal K.'
(event_date >= '2017-01-26' AND event_date < '2017-01-29')),
t4 AS (Select new_val
From student.history
column_name = 'student_id'
usr = 'Principal K.'
(event_date >= '2017-01-26' AND event_date < '2017-01-29'))
select t1.new_val::int, t2.new_val, t3.new_val, t4.new_val::int
from t1,t2, t3, t4;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1846
Reputation: 121524
You have to use dynamic SQL.
This query aggregates data for individual actions:
action, event_date, usr,
schema_name, table_name, pkey_id,
string_agg(quote_ident(column_name), ',' order by history_id) as cols,
-- string_agg(quote_literal(new_val), ',' order by history_id) as vals
-- correction:
string_agg(coalesce(quote_literal(new_val), 'null'), ',' order by history_id) as vals
from student.history
group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
action | event_date | usr | schema_name | table_name | pkey_id | cols | vals
DELETE | 2017-01-28 12:20:03 | Ast. Dean J. | Engineering | Elective_Courses | 14 | grade |
INSERT | 2017-01-26 22:42:53 | Principal K. | Engineering | Elective_Courses | 12 | gid,grade,class,student_id | '12','B-','PYS7C','607752'
UPDATE | 2017-01-26 22:42:53 | Ast. Dean J. | Engineering | Elective_Courses | 13 | grade | 'C'
(3 rows)
For better safety the history table should have an additional unique id of action to distinguish between e.g. two insertions on the same table by the same user at the same time, though such a coincidence is unlikely.
The function is based on the above query. It has one argument, text of WHERE
clause on the history table. It returns generated queries.
It can also execute the queries (in the commented piece of code).
create or replace function restore_log(condition text)
returns setof text language plpgsql as $$
relid regclass;
pkey text;
query text;
rec record;
for rec in
execute format('
action, event_date, usr,
schema_name, table_name, pkey_id,
string_agg(quote_ident(column_name), '','' order by history_id) as cols,
string_agg(coalesce(quote_literal(new_val), ''null''), '','' order by history_id) as vals
from student.history
where %s
group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6',
relid:= format('%s.%s', rec.schema_name, rec.table_name)::regclass;
pkey:= get_pkey_name(relid); -- see below
query:= case rec.action
when 'INSERT' then
'insert into %s.%s (%s) values (%s)',
rec.schema_name, rec.table_name, rec.cols, rec.vals)
when 'UPDATE' then
'update %s.%s set (%s) = (%s) where %s = %s',
rec.schema_name, rec.table_name, rec.cols, rec.vals, pkey, rec.pkey_id)
when 'DELETE' then
'delete from %s.%s where %s = %s',
rec.schema_name, rec.table_name, pkey, rec.pkey_id)
else null end;
return next query;
-- if query not null then
-- execute(query);
-- end if;
end loop;
end $$;
Usage examples:
select * from restore_log('true');
delete from Engineering.Elective_Courses where gid = 14
insert into Engineering.Elective_Courses (gid,grade,class,student_id) values ('12','B-','PYS7C','607752')
update Engineering.Elective_Courses set (grade) = ('C') where gid = 13
(3 rows)
select * from restore_log($$
usr = 'Principal K.'
and event_date >= '2017-01-26'
and event_date < '2017-01-29'$$);
insert into Engineering.Elective_Courses (gid,grade,class,student_id) values ('12','B-','PYS7C','607752')
(1 row)
The function which finds column name of single-column primary key of a given table (used in restore_log()
create or replace function get_pkey_name(regclass)
returns name language sql as $$
select attname
from pg_constraint c
join pg_attribute a on attrelid = conrelid and attnum = conkey[1]
where conrelid = $1
and contype = 'p'
and cardinality(conkey) = 1
Safety notice, basically you should use format('%I.%I, schema_name, table_name)
for security reasons, but in this case it would give wrong results due to the use of capital letters in the data.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 656391
For more than one row to insert, the cross joins in your displayed query would produce an incorrect Cartesian product. Never use this.
If the target table is predefined, a plain crosstab()
query does the job:
INSERT INTO engineering.elective_courses (gid, grade, class, student_id)
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
$$SELECT pkey_id, column_name, new_val
FROM student.history
WHERE usr = 'Principal K.' -- your criteria here
AND event_date >= '2017-01-26'
AND event_date < '2017-01-29'
AND action = 'INSERT'
, $$SELECT unnest('{grade,class,student_id}'::text[])$$)
AS ct (gid int, grade varchar, class varchar, student_id int);
The extra row for gid
(history_id = 0
in the example) must match the column pkey_id
and is completely redundant. crosstab()
simply ignores it, since 'gid' is not listed as target column in the second function parameter.
Detailed explanation:
You can create the statement dynamically, too, if the target table should not be predefined. Closely related answer:
Upvotes: 1