Reputation: 355
iam trying to save model from form, that have relationship defined via junction table, but since the property is relationship object it is read-only and it fails on validation.
Model relationship:
public $payer
* @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getPayerRelationship()
return $this->hasMany(PartyRelationship::className(), ['contract_id' => 'id'])->where(['relationship' => 'P']);
public function getPayers(){
return $this->hasMany(ContractingParty::className(), ['id' => 'contracting_party_id'])
public function getContractors() { // could be a static func as well
$model = ContractingParty::find()->asArray()->all();
return ArrayHelper::map($model, 'id', 'subject_name');
Form view:
<?= $form->field($model, 'payers')->widget(Select2::classname(), [
'data' => $model->getContractors(),
'language' => 'en',
'options' => ['placeholder' => '-- Select company --'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'showToggleAll' => false
]) ?>
It wont validate or save, because of read-only property payers. I tried to use different property in $form->field($model, 'payer'... (instead of payers), then validation works and even saving works, but trouble is, that editing have no preselected values of that model, because they are in model->payers. And i have no idea, what iam supposed to pass here instead of this relationship object (or property of model in general).
Maybe iam plainly blind, but in manual there is a lot of information about getting data from db, but almost no info about saving. (btw. i saw this post: Yii2 Invalid Call: Setting read-only property - but that didnt give me any new piece of information at all).
Is my form design wrong, or model design (Meaning i should just create form field using two models)? Thanks
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3067
Reputation: 90
Adding setters to model:
public function setPayer(){
$payer_id_array = array();
$payer_array = ArrayHelper::toArray($this->payers);
foreach ($payer_array as $value){
$payer_id_array [] = $value['id'];
$this->payer = $payer_id_array;
public function setRecipient(){
$recipient_id_array = array();
$recipient_array = ArrayHelper::toArray($this->recipients);
foreach ($recipient_array as $value){
$recipient_id_array [] = $value['id'];
$this->recipient = $recipient_id_array;
and manually into controller (action create and update):
seems to fix the conflict between the names of relation and property passed into the field.
Upvotes: 2