I'm trying to make a hangman application, but for whatever reason I can not get the word you must "guess" to show up properly. As you can see in the loop, a new label is created at every iteration. The label's text property is set as a character of wordString, defined as wordLetter. Once all properties of the new label are set, it is added to the form, points are defined to draw a line underneath the label, and xAxis (used for placing the next label to the right of the previous) and i are iterated. The problem is, only the first label shows up, or "P" from the wordString "PROGRAM". I believe it's because every time I iterate the loop, a new label of the same name "wordLabel" is created, preventing new labels from being created. I'm not sure how to get around this; even if I used an array, I'd still have to make a new label at every iteration.
Dim point1, point2 As Point
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim i As Integer
Dim wordString As String = "PROGRAM"
Dim wordLetter As String
Dim xAxis As Integer
Do While i < wordString.Length
Dim wordLabel As New Label
wordLetter = wordString.Chars(i)
wordLabel.Font = New Font("Comic Sans MS", 25)
wordLabel.AutoSize = True
wordLabel.Text = wordLetter
wordLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent
wordLabel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(xAxis + 7, 190)
point1.X = Convert.ToInt32(wordLabel.Location.X) - 10
point1.Y = Convert.ToInt32(wordLabel.Location.Y) + 40
point2.X = Convert.ToInt32(wordLabel.Size.Width) - 13
point2.Y = Convert.ToInt32(wordLabel.Location.Y) + 40
xAxis += 3
i += 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, point1, point2)
End Sub
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This should work for you. It keeps the last left position of the previous label.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Concat("An error occurred: ", ex.Message))
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub BuildHangman(wordString As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim wordLetter As String
Dim lastLeft As Integer
Dim sensibleFont As New Font("Segoe UI", 25)
Do While i < wordString.Length
Dim wordLabel As New Label
wordLetter = wordString.Chars(i)
wordLabel.Font = sensibleFont
wordLabel.AutoSize = True
wordLabel.Text = wordLetter
wordLabel.BackColor = Color.Transparent
wordLabel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(lastLeft + 7, 190)
lastLeft = wordLabel.Left + wordLabel.Width
i += 1
End Sub
Upvotes: 1