Reputation: 21
I am still in a process of figuring out the exact typing rules/implications involved in here.
It seems easy/easier if the types in the examples are "simple enough" to "fit well" as in almost all simple examples is the case, but it becomes more interresting/difficult (at least for me) in comparing things to the typing given by tiark rompf:
|- e: A@cpsParam[B,C]; {[|r|]}: U
[|val x: A = e; r|] = [|e|].map( (x: A) => {[|r|]} )
so the result of [|e|].map( (x: A) => {[|r|]} )
will have the type Shift[U,B,C]
according to the definition of map given in tiark's paper.
Here U is not necessarily the same as B.
So far I do not understand why U is allowed to be different from B without something like U <: B given in the definition of map in tiark's paper.
What am I missing respectively failing to understand here?
Any tips/ideas?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 481
Reputation: 11
I had a second look at this as wanted to see what the result of the selective cps transform will yield in both cases.
I used the following simple example:
package sample
import scala.util.continuations._
class Depp {
override def toString = "DEPP"
class Sepp extends Depp {
override def toString = "DEPP->SEPP"
object Sample extends Application {
val depp = new Depp
val sepp = new Sepp
val res = reset {
shift {
(k: Int => Depp) => k(7)
val z = sepp
println("Result = "+ res)
Compiling this using
scalac -P:continuations:enable -Xprint:selectivecps Sample.scala
proves successful and yields the following (interesting part only):
private[this] val res: sample.Depp = scala.util.continuations.package.reset[sample.Sepp, sample.Depp]({
package.this.shiftR[Int, sample.Depp, sample.Depp](((k: (Int) => sample.Depp) => k.apply(7))).map[sample.Sepp]
val z: sample.Sepp = Sample.this.sepp;
ok so the type of the resulting (application of map) Shift object is [Sepp,Depp,Depp]
as expected :)
which is fine because i understand how Shift objects like A@cpsParam[A,C]
come into existence (the reset function given in Tiark's paper operates on such Shift objects)
Now changing the following in the simple example to yield a type unrelated to Depp: z.asInstanceOf[Float]
compiling this with
scalac -P:continuations:enable -Xprint:selectivecps -explaintypes Sample.scala
brings up the following error which tells what is actually checked:
Sample.scala:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Float @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[sample.Depp,sample.Depp] @scala.util.continuations.cpsSynth
required: Float @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Float,sample.Depp]
val res = reset {
Float @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[sample.Depp,sample.Depp] @scala.util.continuations.cpsSynth <: Float @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Float,sample.Depp]?
scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[sample.Depp,sample.Depp] <: scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Float,sample.Depp]?
Float <: sample.Depp?
<notype> <: sample.Depp?
one error found
ahh and here is the test: Float <: sample.Depp
so it fails because Float of course isn't a subtype of Depp
question: shouldn't the transformation rule then better be given as:
e: A@cpsParam[B,C] {[|r|]}: U U <: B
[|val x: A = e; r|] = [|e|].map( (x: A) => {[|r|]} )
to clearly express this?
Upvotes: 1