
Reputation: 805

Which settings are required to run Ansible on AWS EC2

I've configured a new Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance. and added my public ssh key to the server.

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh -I aws.pem ubuntu@<ec2publicDNS> "cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2"

I'm now able to access the instance with

ssh ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> 

So I added the following to my /etc/ansible/hosts


when I'm running ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 ansible all -m ping I receive the following:

  9264 1486122587.48735: starting run
  9264 1486122587.58557: Loading CacheModule 'memory' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/cache/memory.py
  9264 1486122587.62315: Loading CallbackModule 'minimal' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/minimal.py
  9264 1486122587.62373: Loading CallbackModule 'actionable' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/actionable.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.62388: Loading CallbackModule 'context_demo' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/context_demo.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.62401: Loading CallbackModule 'debug' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/debug.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.62420: Loading CallbackModule 'default' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/default.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.62450: Loading CallbackModule 'foreman' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/foreman.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63003: Loading CallbackModule 'hipchat' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/hipchat.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63048: Loading CallbackModule 'jabber' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/jabber.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63064: Loading CallbackModule 'json' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/json.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63096: Loading CallbackModule 'junit' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/junit.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63121: Loading CallbackModule 'log_plays' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/log_plays.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63173: Loading CallbackModule 'logentries' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/logentries.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63266: Loading CallbackModule 'mail' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/mail.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63273: Loading CallbackModule 'minimal' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/minimal.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63288: Loading CallbackModule 'oneline' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/oneline.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63304: Loading CallbackModule 'osx_say' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/osx_say.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63321: Loading CallbackModule 'profile_tasks' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/profile_tasks.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63648: Loading CallbackModule 'skippy' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/skippy.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63678: Loading CallbackModule 'slack' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/slack.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63755: Loading CallbackModule 'syslog_json' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/syslog_json.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63772: Loading CallbackModule 'timer' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/timer.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63789: Loading CallbackModule 'tree' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/tree.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True)
  9264 1486122587.63795: in VariableManager get_vars()
  9264 1486122587.63812: done with get_vars()
  9264 1486122587.64662: Loading StrategyModule 'linear' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/strategy/linear.py
  9264 1486122587.64819: getting the remaining hosts for this loop
  9264 1486122587.64824: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop
  9264 1486122587.64832: building list of next tasks for hosts
  9264 1486122587.64838: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.64846: done getting next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.64852:  ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers)
  9264 1486122587.64859:  ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=1, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, role=None, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
  9264 1486122587.64863: done building task lists
  9264 1486122587.64868: counting tasks in each state of execution
  9264 1486122587.64872: done counting tasks in each state of execution:
    num_setups: 0
    num_tasks: 1
    num_rescue: 0
    num_always: 0
  9264 1486122587.64876: advancing hosts in ITERATING_TASKS
  9264 1486122587.64881: starting to advance hosts
  9264 1486122587.64885: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.64892: done getting next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.64896:  ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers)
  9264 1486122587.64901:  ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=1, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, role=None, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
  9264 1486122587.64907: done advancing hosts to next task
  9264 1486122587.65149: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain
  9264 1486122587.65157: results queue empty
  9264 1486122587.65161: checking for any_errors_fatal
  9264 1486122587.65164: done checking for any_errors_fatal
  9264 1486122587.65168: checking for max_fail_percentage
  9264 1486122587.65171: done checking for max_fail_percentage
  9264 1486122587.65175: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok
  9264 1486122587.65180: done checking to see if all hosts have failed
  9264 1486122587.65186: getting the remaining hosts for this loop
  9264 1486122587.65190: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop
  9264 1486122587.65198: building list of next tasks for hosts
  9264 1486122587.65202: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.65208: done getting next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.65212:  ^ task is: TASK: ping
  9264 1486122587.65216:  ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=2, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, role=None, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
  9264 1486122587.65220: done building task lists
  9264 1486122587.65224: counting tasks in each state of execution
  9264 1486122587.65228: done counting tasks in each state of execution:
    num_setups: 0
    num_tasks: 1
    num_rescue: 0
    num_always: 0
  9264 1486122587.65232: advancing hosts in ITERATING_TASKS
  9264 1486122587.65235: starting to advance hosts
  9264 1486122587.65238: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.65244: done getting next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122587.65248:  ^ task is: TASK: ping
  9264 1486122587.65252:  ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=2, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, role=None, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
  9264 1486122587.65256: done advancing hosts to next task
  9264 1486122587.65263: getting variables
  9264 1486122587.65269: in VariableManager get_vars()
  9264 1486122587.65297: done with get_vars()
  9264 1486122587.65308: done getting variables
  9264 1486122587.65313: sending task start callback, copying the task so we can template it temporarily
  9264 1486122587.65318: done copying, going to template now
  9264 1486122587.65324: done templating
  9264 1486122587.65329: here goes the callback...
  9264 1486122587.65336: sending task start callback
  9264 1486122587.65342: entering _queue_task() for ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>/ping
  9264 1486122587.65349: Creating lock for ping
  9264 1486122587.65468: worker is 1 (out of 1 available)
  9264 1486122587.65510: exiting _queue_task() for ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>/ping
  9264 1486122587.65575: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain
  9264 1486122587.65582: waiting for pending results...
  9267 1486122587.65922: running TaskExecutor() for ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>/TASK: ping
  9267 1486122587.65987: in run()
  9267 1486122587.66061: calling self._execute()
  9267 1486122587.67436: Loading Connection 'ssh' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/ssh.py
  9267 1486122587.67554: Loading ShellModule 'csh' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/csh.py
  9267 1486122587.67589: Loading ShellModule 'fish' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/fish.py
  9267 1486122587.67632: Loading ShellModule 'powershell' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/powershell.py
  9267 1486122587.67649: Loading ShellModule 'sh' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/sh.py
  9267 1486122587.67672: Loading ShellModule 'sh' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/sh.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False)
  9267 1486122587.67693: in VariableManager get_vars()
  9267 1486122587.67736: done with get_vars()
  9267 1486122587.67764: Loading ActionModule 'normal' from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/action/normal.py
  9267 1486122587.67774: starting attempt loop
  9267 1486122587.67783: running the handler
  9267 1486122587.67827: ANSIBALLZ: Using lock for ping
  9267 1486122587.67831: ANSIBALLZ: Acquiring lock
  9267 1486122587.67837: ANSIBALLZ: Lock acquired: 4559072080
  9267 1486122587.67841: ANSIBALLZ: Creating module
  9267 1486122587.75433: ANSIBALLZ: Writing module
  9267 1486122587.75461: ANSIBALLZ: Renaming module
  9267 1486122587.75472: ANSIBALLZ: Done creating module
  9267 1486122587.75528: _low_level_execute_command(): starting
  9267 1486122587.75537: _low_level_execute_command(): executing: /bin/sh -c '( umask 77 && mkdir -p "` echo ~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376 `" && echo ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376="` echo ~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376 `" ) && sleep 0'
  9267 1486122590.52707: stdout chunk (state=2):

  9267 1486122590.52765: stdout chunk (state=3):

  9267 1486122590.52775: stderr chunk (state=3):

  9267 1486122590.52795: _low_level_execute_command() done: rc=0, stdout=ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376=/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376
, stderr=
  9267 1486122590.52808: transferring module to remote /home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376/ping.py
  9267 1486122590.53337: Sending initial data
  9267 1486122590.53347: Sent initial data (139 bytes)
  9267 1486122590.54550: stderr chunk (state=3):
>>>ssh: Could not resolve hostname <ec2publicIP>]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

  9267 1486122590.54583: stderr chunk (state=3):
>>>Connection closed

  9267 1486122590.54612: stdout chunk (state=3):

  9267 1486122590.54618: stderr chunk (state=3):

 [WARNING]: sftp transfer mechanism failed on [ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>]. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information

  9267 1486122590.54711:
  9267 1486122590.54718: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <ec2publicIP>]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Connection closed

  9267 1486122590.56466: stderr chunk (state=2):
>>>ssh: Could not resolve hostname <ec2publicIP>]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

  9267 1486122590.56501: stderr chunk (state=3):
>>>lost connection

  9267 1486122590.56525: stdout chunk (state=3):

  9267 1486122590.56534: stderr chunk (state=3):

 [WARNING]: scp transfer mechanism failed on [ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>]. Use ANSIBLE_DEBUG=1 to see detailed information

  9267 1486122590.56573:
  9267 1486122590.56577: ssh: Could not resolve hostname <ec2publicIP>]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
lost connection

  9267 1486122590.56621: done running TaskExecutor() for ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>/TASK: ping
  9267 1486122590.56628: sending task result
  9267 1486122590.56669: done sending task result
  9267 1486122590.56674: WORKER PROCESS EXITING
  9264 1486122590.56785: in VariableManager get_vars()
  9264 1486122590.56925: done with get_vars()
  9264 1486122590.56939: marking ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> as failed
  9264 1486122590.56947: marking host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> failed, current state: HOST STATE: block=2, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, role=None, run_state=ITERATING_TASKS, fail_state=FAILED_NONE, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
  9264 1486122590.56952: ^ failed state is now: HOST STATE: block=2, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, role=None, run_state=ITERATING_COMPLETE, fail_state=FAILED_TASKS, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False
  9264 1486122590.57203: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122590.57211: host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> is done iterating, returning
ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> | FAILED! => {
    "failed": true,
    "msg": "failed to transfer file to /home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1486122587.76-200107609248376/ping.py:\n\nssh: Could not resolve hostname <ec2publicIP>]: nodename nor servname provided, or not known\r\nlost connection\n"
  9264 1486122590.57242: no more pending results, returning what we have
  9264 1486122590.57251: results queue empty
  9264 1486122590.57255: checking for any_errors_fatal
  9264 1486122590.57259: done checking for any_errors_fatal
  9264 1486122590.57262: checking for max_fail_percentage
  9264 1486122590.57265: done checking for max_fail_percentage
  9264 1486122590.57269: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok
  9264 1486122590.57272: done checking to see if all hosts have failed
  9264 1486122590.57275: getting the remaining hosts for this loop
  9264 1486122590.57279: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop
  9264 1486122590.60734: building list of next tasks for hosts
  9264 1486122590.60741: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122590.60748: host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> is done iterating, returning
  9264 1486122590.60752: done building task lists
  9264 1486122590.60755: counting tasks in each state of execution
  9264 1486122590.60759: done counting tasks in each state of execution:
    num_setups: 0
    num_tasks: 0
    num_rescue: 0
    num_always: 0
  9264 1486122590.60768: all hosts are done, so returning None's for all hosts
  9264 1486122590.60773: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain
  9264 1486122590.60777: results queue empty
  9264 1486122590.60780: checking for any_errors_fatal
  9264 1486122590.60785: done checking for any_errors_fatal
  9264 1486122590.60789: checking for max_fail_percentage
  9264 1486122590.60793: done checking for max_fail_percentage
  9264 1486122590.60796: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok
  9264 1486122590.60802: done checking to see if all hosts have failed
  9264 1486122590.60809: getting the next task for host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP>
  9264 1486122590.60813: host ubuntu@<ec2publicIP> is done iterating, returning
  9264 1486122590.60818: running handlers
  9264 1486122590.60893: RUNNING CLEANUP

do I have to expose some extra ports in my security_group in aws? Until now only port 22 is exposed.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 558

Answers (2)


Reputation: 556

Ansible uses ssh, so port 22 is enough, you won't need any additional Security Groups for you EC2 instance. What you might do is modify your inventory and instead of <username>@<ipaddress> use only <ipaddress> (or resolvable name). You can remote_user in your playbook, or specified it with ansible_user in your inventory as Konstantin pointed out.

Upvotes: 1

Konstantin Suvorov
Konstantin Suvorov

Reputation: 68289

Try to change your hosts file:

<ec2publicIP> ansible_user=ubuntu

Upvotes: 2

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