Reputation: 211
Please help me to solve this problem, I have a function which used to check validation terms of the input and I wants to call it inside the "create"function as a nested function. Once I call it in normal way it keeps giving me parameter mismatching error. Please help me. Inside the create function I call it like this
def create(self, cr, uid, values, context=None):
#There are 219 lines in side the create function but I just showing you the invoke for this particular fucntion.
date_from = values['date_from']
sub_nominee= values['sub_nominee']
self.onchange_sub_nominee(self, cr, uid, date_to, date_from,sub_nominee)
return super(hr_holidays, self).create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
Function is like this,
def onchange_sub_nominee(self, cr, uid,ids, date_to, date_from,sub_nominee):
#Employees data
DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
from_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_from, DATETIME_FORMAT).date()
to_dt=datetime.datetime.strptime(date_to, DATETIME_FORMAT).date()
sub_name=self.pool.get('hr.employee').browse(cr, uid, sub_nominee).name
#if date_from==date_to:, uid, [('employee_id','=',sub_nominee),('type','=','remove'),('state','not in',['draft','refuse'])])
#nominees data
if hol_objs:
for a in hol_obj.browse(cr, uid, hol_objs):
sub_from_dt = a.date_to
f_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(sub_from_dt, DATETIME_FORMAT).date()
t_dt=datetime.datetime.strptime(sub_to_dt, DATETIME_FORMAT).date()
if ((from_dt==to_dt)and(to_dt==f_dt==t_dt)):
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'),_(' %s already on leave on %s . Please nominate another person 111')%(sub_name,from_dt))
if ((from_dt!=to_dt)) and(no_days<=2):
while from_dt <= to_dt :, uid, [('date_from', '<=', date_to), ('date_to', '>=', date_from), ('employee_id', '=', sub_nominee)])
if new_con:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'),_(' %s has/have already on leave(s) on that period . 55555Please nominate another person')%(sub_name))
from_dt = from_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
if ((f_dt!=t_dt)):
while t_dt <= f_dt:
if (from_dt==t_dt)or(to_dt==t_dt):
raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'),_(' %s has/have already on leave(s) on that period . Please nominate another person 2222')%(sub_name))
return True
Upvotes: 0
Views: 110
Reputation: 4565
The error is self explanatory. There is a mismatch in the invoking parameters.
method accepts parameters
cr, uid, ids, date_to, date_from,sub_nominee
but was invoked as,
self.onchange_sub_nominee(self, cr, uid, date_to, date_from,sub_nominee)
You need to add the value of the parameter id
after uid
when calling it or remove that parameter from onchange_sub_nominee
Upvotes: 1