Reputation: 1586
I'm using SSH slaves as nodes in a Jenkins pipeline script.
Is there a way to fetch the hostname/IP of the node inside the pipeline (Jenkinsfile) script ?
I'm deploying to a parameterized node and would like to echo the IP of the node at the end of the script.
node('master') {
checkout scm
stash name: 'deploy', includes: 'modules/ci/,modules/compose/'
stage ('Deploy to remote server (SSH)') {
node(${NODE}) {
unstash 'deploy'
withEnv(["BRANCH=${BRANCH}"]) {
sh "chmod +x modules/ci/deployment/*"
sh "modules/ci/deployment/"
echo 'Deployment was successful, branch ${BRANCH} was deployed to (node IP/hostname)'
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4909
Reputation: 106
This one worked for me:
def agentHostname = sh encoding: 'UTF-8', script: 'hostname -s', returnStdout: true
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 16346
As far as I know there is no quick and easy way to do this. The following retrieves what ever is entered in host field of the configuration:
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
import hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer;
import hudson.slaves.DumbSlave;
import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher;
def getHost() {
def computer = Jenkins.getInstance().getComputer(env.NODE_NAME);
if (!(computer instanceof SlaveComputer)) {
error "Not a ordinary slave";
def node = computer.getNode();
if (!(node instanceof DumbSlave)) {
error "Not a dumb slave";
def launcher = node.getLauncher();
if (!(launcher instanceof SSHLauncher)) {
error "Not a SSHLauncher";
return launcher.getHost();
Unfortunately if you use sandbox you need to white list a whole lot of methods and it might have some security consequences. The best thing would be to put this util method in a Global Public Library
Upvotes: 6