
Reputation: 167

Unsure what's causing this error in R (pmvt - Package: mvtnorm)?

I have a simple hazard function, the line causing the error is marked.

h <- function(t,u) {
    x <- 1 - Sa(t)
    y <- 1 - Sm(u)
    invx <- as.numeric(qt(x,df=d1))
    invy <- as.numeric(qt(x,df=d1))
    [ERROR LINE] copula <-  pmvt(lower=as.numeric(cbind(-9999,-9999)),upper=cbind(invx,invy),df=d1,corr=matrix(cbind(1,d2,d2,1),byrow=T,ncol=2)  )
    density <- dmvt(cbind(invx,invy),sigma=matrix(cbind(1,d2,d2,1),byrow=T,ncol=2),df=d1)
    num <- (sa(t)*sm(u))*density/dt(invx,df=d1)/dt(invy,df=d1)
    den <- 1 - x - y + copula
    hazard <- num/den

This hazard function is then called on by a likelihood function:

# log Likelihood function for each individual car i
lli <- function(data) {
  result <- 0;
  # for all claims, evaluate hazard function at that point
  if (nrow(data)> 2) {
    for (k in 1:nrow(data)) {
      if (data[k,3] == 1) {
    result <- result + log(h(data[k,2],data[k,1]));
  # integrate hazard function over areas between claims
  for (k in 1:(nrow(data)-1)) {
    integral <- quad2d(h,data[k,2],data[k+1,2],data[k,1],data[k+1,1]);
    result <- result - integral;

Now this likelihood function is then called on by a third function to use over my entire data set; however it is the above function that is causing the error, not the function below

# log Likelihood function over all vehicles
ll <- function(x) {
# Unpack parameters
  d1 <<- x[1];
  d2 <<- x[2];
  total <- 0;
  # Get log Likelihood for each vehicle
  for (i in 1:length(alldata)) {
    total <- total + lli(alldata[[i]]);
    #print(sprintf("Found candidate solution %d value: %f",i,total));
  #print(sprintf("Found candidate solution value: %f",total));
  if (is.nan(total)) { #If it is undefined, make it a large negative number
    total <- -2147483647 ;
  return(-1*total); # Minimise instead of maximise

Error message is as follows:

> ll(cbind(50,0.923))
Error in checkmvArgs(lower = lower, upper = upper, mean = delta, corr = corr,  : 
  ‘diag(corr)’ and ‘lower’ are of different length

I kept getting this same error when using pmvnorm, and ended up having to use the pbivnorm package to get around this. I can't find an alternative package for the bivariate t distribution though. I don't understand what the problem is. When I call the function h(t,u) by itself it executes without a problem. But when lli(data) calls h(t,u), it doesn't work. What's even more bizarre is that they are the same length.

> length(as.numeric(cbind(-9999,-9999)))
[1] 2
> length(diag(matrix(cbind(1,d2,d2,1),byrow=T,ncol=2)))
[1] 2

I apologize for the messy code. I don't use R much. Anyway this has me completely stumped.

Data file is here:

Additional code I forgot to include, basically some constants and marginal CDF functions:


p1 <- 0.4994485;
p2 <-  0.2344439;
p3 <- 0.1151654;
p4 <- 0.1509421;

b1 <- 0.7044292
t1 <- 1713.3170267
mu1 <- 7.014415
sig1 <- 1.394735
mu2 <- 6.926146
sig2 <- 1.056647
mu3 <- 6.7995896
sig3 <- 0.7212853
b2 <- 0.6444582
t2 <- 762.9962093
b3 <- 1.494303
t3 <- 410.828780

b1 <- 0.903
t1 <- 864.896
b2 <- 0.9109 
t2 <- 314.2946
# Marginal survival distribution and density
Sa <- function(t) {return(exp(-(t / t1) ** b1))}
Sm <- function(u) {return(exp(-(u / t2) ** b2))} 
sa <- function(t) {return((t / t1) ** b1 * b1 * exp(-(t / t1) ** b1) / t ) }
sm <- function(u) {return((u / t2) ** b2 * b2 * exp(-(u / t2) ** b2) / u ) }

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1125

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1019

The problem is the difference length between lower and upper when calling pvmt, which upper has a length of 2048, while lower has length of 2.

1. pmvt checks the coming parameters by calling checkmvArgs in mvtnorm package.
2. In checkmvArgs, lower, upper and mean have been put together by rec <- cbind(lower, upper, mean). Here the new data rec has 2048 row instead of 2.
3. lower is then replace by lower <- rec[, "lower"], which lower now has length 2048 instead of 2.
4. Given corr is still a 2 * 2 matrix, error occurs when checking length(corr) != length(lower)


  invx <- as.numeric(qt(x,df=d1))  
  invy <- as.numeric(qt(x,df=d1))

upper mean to be a length 2 vector, hence invx and invy needs to be single numbers.

As not sure what's the upper range you want to define, I cannot solve it further. Possible one is :

  invx <- as.numeric(qt(x,df=d1))
  invy <- as.numeric(qt(x,df=d1))
  copula <-  pmvt(lower=as.numeric(cbind(-9999,-9999)),upper=range(c(invx,invy)),df=d1,corr=matrix(c(1,d2,d2,1),byrow=T,ncol=2)  )

Which is using the range of invx and invy as the input. Hence the dmvt would not be affect.

As value a is not provided, the next line below (calling dmvt) the error line failed.

Edit: To make the issue more specific: 1. quad2d will generate a Gauss-Legendre Quadrature which will be created by default a length of 32 on a given range. And,
2. Your function h is then called with the x and y from this Gauss-Legendre Quadrature. Hence, the t and u defined in h is not a single mumber, instead, it is a vector.

Upvotes: 2

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