Reputation: 283
I'm trying to test my ruby API, but I m facing some difficulties to send the right data format. I can easily create a desired data format from rspec controller test. And testing passes.
This is the data I expect on my controller :
agreements: [
agreement_id: 1,
money_value: 500,
agreement_id: 2,
money_value: 1500
And in my controller have this that expects the data in format like this :
def permitted_params
However when I try to test it with HTTP client, here is how :
data = {:agreements =>[{:agreement_id =>1, :money_value =>500}, {:agreement_id =>2, :money_value =>1500}]}
req =
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http|
I get 400 bad request back. Even though everything looks right, however on the server side when I inspect a request, I get this for params (relevant part):
<ActionController::Parameters {"agreements"=>"{:agreement_id =>2, :money_value=>1500}"
Which tells me two things, first of all it sees agreements as a Hash rather than an array, and also it only sees the last element of that Hash (since it's same key).
What am I doing wrong? Why is my request getting constructed with hash rather than with Array?
Question update:
Here is a error associated with 400 :
param is missing or the value is empty: agreements
Also I m using rails 5.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 63
Reputation: 35731
The data you are sending doesn't seem to match with what you are expecting in your controller.
data = {:agreements =>[{:agreement_id =>1, :money_value =>500}, {:agreement_id =>2, :money_value =>1500}]}
but according to your controller and what you're accepting in params, you need another agreements key inserted in there:
params[:agreements] = {agreements: #<-----------Notice the agreements key here# [
agreement_id: 1,
money_value: 500,
agreement_id: 2,
money_value: 1500
So you'd have to add another :agreements key to the data you are sending and add it also to your test data.
(or alternatively you could change params.) whatever is easier for you.
I hope this helps.
Upvotes: 1