Reputation: 153
I have a TI sensor Tag as a peripheral that broadcasts BLE data in the form of kCBAdvDataManufacturerData. I would like to extract different values from this data in iOS.
I am executing the following in Swift:
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber){
for (index, foundPeripheral) in peripherals.enumerated(){
if foundPeripheral.peripheral?.identifier == peripheral.identifier{
peripherals[index].lastRSSI = RSSI
let isConnectable = advertisementData["kCBAdvDataIsConnectable"] as! Bool
let displayPeripheral = DisplayPeripheral(peripheral: peripheral, lastRSSI: RSSI, isConnectable: isConnectable)
And this is what I see in the console:
AdvertisementData:["kCBAdvDataIsConnectable": 0, "kCBAdvDataManufacturerData": <0d00fe05 0c6f32>, "kCBAdvDataLocalName": CLIMBC]
The data that I am interested in decoding is kCBAdvDataManufacturerData : <0d00fe05 0c6f32> and displaying each field on the screen. Specifically, this is what the numbers represent in my case:
In Android I am able to decode as following:
private static String getNodeIdFromRawPacket(byte[] manufSpecField) {
if(manufSpecField != null && manufSpecField.length > 1) {
return String.format("%02X", manufSpecField[0]);
return null;
private static int getNodeBatteryVoltageFromRawPacket(byte[] manufSpecField){
if(manufSpecField != null && manufSpecField.length > 4) {
return (((((int) manufSpecField[manufSpecField.length - 3]) << 24) >>> 24) << 8) + ((((int) manufSpecField[manufSpecField.length - 2]) << 24) >>> 24);
return 0;
private byte[] extractManufacturerSpecificData(byte[] scanRecord, int manufacturer_id){
if(scanRecord != null) {
int ptr = 0;
while (ptr < scanRecord.length && scanRecord[ptr] != 0) {
int field_length = scanRecord[ptr];
if (scanRecord[ptr + 1] == (byte) (0xFF)) { //this is true when the manufacturer specific data field has been found
if (((scanRecord[ptr + 3] << 8) + scanRecord[ptr + 2]) == manufacturer_id) {
byte[] manufacturerSpecificData = new byte[field_length - 3];
System.arraycopy(scanRecord, ptr + 4, manufacturerSpecificData, 0, field_length - 3);
return manufacturerSpecificData;
ptr += (field_length + 1);
return null;
return null;
How exactly can I achieve this? I am new to Swift that is why I am finding some difficulties. Any code snippet will be most welcome.
Upvotes: 10
Views: 12615
Reputation: 3327
Updated for Swift:
let yourServiceUUIDString = "FFF0"
if let mAdvData = advertisementData["kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs"] as? [AnyObject], (mAdvData.contains { ($0 as? CBUUID)?.uuidString == yourServiceUUIDString}) {
print("BLE device found..!")
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 47896
Seeing the output of your console, advertisementData["kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"]
seems to be an NSData
containing 7 bytes. You can easily access it as a Swift Data
, and each byte in a Data
can be accessed with subscript:
if let manufacturerData = advertisementData["kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"] as? Data {
assert(manufacturerData.count >= 7)
//0d00 - TI manufacturer ID
//Constructing 2-byte data as little endian (as TI's manufacturer ID is 000D)
let manufactureID = UInt16(manufacturerData[0]) + UInt16(manufacturerData[1]) << 8
print(String(format: "%04X", manufactureID)) //->000D
//fe - the node ID that I have given
let nodeID = manufacturerData[2]
print(String(format: "%02X", nodeID)) //->FE
//05 - state of the node (something that remains constant
let state = manufacturerData[3]
print(String(format: "%02X", state)) //->05
//c6f - is the sensor tag battery voltage
//Constructing 2-byte data as big endian (as shown in the Java code)
let batteryVoltage = UInt16(manufacturerData[4]) << 8 + UInt16(manufacturerData[5])
print(String(format: "%04X", batteryVoltage)) //->0C6F
//32- is the BLE packet counter.
let packetCounter = manufacturerData[6]
print(String(format: "%02X", packetCounter)) //->32
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 733
Here is an implementation of swift 3 Data method subdata
with an example of a string converted to data and then split out to bytes that you can convert back to strings:
let input = "505450578"
let data = .utf8)
let manufacturerId:Range<Int> = 0..<2
let nodeId:Range<Int> = 2..<4
let nodeState:Range<Int> = 4..<5
let voltage:Range<Int> = 5..<6
let packetCounter:Range<Int> = 6..<9
let subdata1 = data?.subdata(in: manufacturerId)
let subdata2 = data?.subdata(in: nodeId)
let subdata3 = data?.subdata(in: nodeState)
let subdata4 = data?.subdata(in: voltage)
let subdata5 = data?.subdata(in: packetCounter)
//Results from original given string
let str1 = String(data: subdata1!, encoding:.utf8) //50
let str2 = String(data: subdata2!, encoding:.utf8) //54
let str3 = String(data: subdata3!, encoding:.utf8) //5
let str4 = String(data: subdata4!, encoding:.utf8) //0
let str5 = String(data: subdata5!, encoding:.utf8) //578
Upvotes: 5