Reputation: 215
I have a multi-indexed dataframe and I wish to extract a subset based on index values and on a boolean criteria. I wish to overwrite the values of a specific new values using multi-index keys and boolean indexers to select the records to modify.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
years = [1994,1995,1996]
householdIDs = [ id for id in range(1,100) ]
midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [years, householdIDs], names = ['Year', 'HouseholdID'] )
householdIncomes = np.random.randint( 10000,100000, size = len(years)*len(householdIDs) )
householdSize = np.random.randint( 1,5, size = len(years)*len(householdIDs) )
df = pd.DataFrame( {'HouseholdIncome':householdIncomes, 'HouseholdSize':householdSize}, index = midx )
df.sort_index(inplace = True)
=> HouseholdIncome HouseholdSize
Year HouseholdID
1994 1 23866 3
2 57956 3
3 21644 3
4 71912 4
5 83663 3
I'm able to successfully query the dataframe using the indices and column labels.
This example gives me the HouseholdSize for household 3 in year 1996
df.loc[ (1996,3 ) , 'HouseholdSize' ]
=> 1
The pandas docs on Multi-indexing says there is a way to combine boolean indexing with multi-indexing and gives an example...
In [52]: idx = pd.IndexSlice
In [56]: mask = dfmi[('a','foo')]>200
In [57]: dfmi.loc[idx[mask,:,['C1','C3']],idx[:,'foo']]
lvl0 a b
lvl1 foo foo
A3 B0 C1 D1 204 206
C3 D0 216 218
D1 220 222
B1 C1 D0 232 234
D1 236 238
C3 D0 248 250
D1 252 254
...which I can't seem to replicate on my dataframe
idx = pd.IndexSlice
housholdSizeAbove2 = ( df.HouseholdSize > 2 )
df.loc[ idx[ housholdSizeAbove2, 1996, :] , 'HouseholdSize' ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'MultiIndex Slicing requires the index to be fully lexsorted tuple len (3), lexsort depth (2)'
In this example I would want to see all the households in 1996 with householdsize above 2
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1442
Reputation: 210972
Pandas.query() should work in this case:
df.query("Year == 1996 and HouseholdID > 2")
In [326]: with pd.option_context('display.max_rows',20):
...: print(df.query("Year == 1996 and HouseholdID > 2"))
HouseholdIncome HouseholdSize
Year HouseholdID
1996 3 28664 4
4 11057 1
5 36321 2
6 89469 4
7 35711 2
8 85741 1
9 34758 3
10 56085 2
11 32275 4
12 77096 4
... ... ...
90 40276 4
91 10594 2
92 61080 4
93 65334 2
94 21477 4
95 83112 4
96 25627 2
97 24830 4
98 85693 1
99 84653 4
[97 rows x 2 columns]
Is there a way to select a specific column?
In [333]: df.loc[df.eval("Year == 1996 and HouseholdID > 2"), 'HouseholdIncome']
Year HouseholdID
1996 3 28664
4 11057
5 36321
6 89469
7 35711
8 85741
9 34758
10 56085
11 32275
12 77096
90 40276
91 10594
92 61080
93 65334
94 21477
95 83112
96 25627
97 24830
98 85693
99 84653
Name: HouseholdIncome, dtype: int32
and ultimately I want to overwrite the data on the dataframe.
In [331]: df.loc[df.eval("Year == 1996 and HouseholdID > 2"), 'HouseholdSize'] *= 10
In [332]: df.loc[df.eval("Year == 1996 and HouseholdID > 2")]
HouseholdIncome HouseholdSize
Year HouseholdID
1996 3 28664 40
4 11057 10
5 36321 20
6 89469 40
7 35711 20
8 85741 10
9 34758 30
10 56085 20
11 32275 40
12 77096 40
... ... ...
90 40276 40
91 10594 20
92 61080 40
93 65334 20
94 21477 40
95 83112 40
96 25627 20
97 24830 40
98 85693 10
99 84653 40
[97 rows x 2 columns]
I want to pass a variable
instead of a specific value. Is there a cleaner way to do it thanYear == " + str(year) + " and HouseholdID > " + str(householdSize)
In [5]: year = 1996
In [6]: household_ids = [1, 2, 98, 99]
In [7]: df.loc[df.eval("Year == @year and HouseholdID in @household_ids")]
HouseholdIncome HouseholdSize
Year HouseholdID
1996 1 42217 1
2 66009 3
98 33121 4
99 45489 3
Upvotes: 2