Reputation: 1430
I have the following code inside a form tag, I would like to have some error text appear underneath the checkboxes however at the moment I am unable to get it to work with the current setup I have below. What am I doing wrong here?
<div ng-repeat="compCbx in competitionCheckboxes track by $index">
<input ng-attr-id="cc_comp_{{ $index }}" ng-model="compCbx.isChecked" name="cc_comp" ng-attr-label="cc_comp_label_{{ $index }}"
type="checkbox" ng-required="compCbx.checkRequired" ng-checked="compCbx.isChecked" form-blur />
<label ng-attr-id="cc_comp_label_{{ $index }}" ng-attr-for="cc_comp_{{ $index }}" class="fake-label">
<i ng-attr-id="cc_comp_cbx_{{ $index }}"></i> <p ng-bind-html="compCbx.text | to_trusted"></p>
<span class="error-msg error-tnc" ng-show="{{formName}}.cc_comp.$touched && {{formName}}.cc_comp.$error.required">
You must agree to enter the competition
The current output on the page is
As you can see the Terms and Conditions checkbox validates correctly, however that is because it is not in an ng-repeat
The Terms and conditions has this code
<input id="cc_tnc" ng-model="cc_tnc" label="cc_tnc_label" name="cc_tnc" type="checkbox" ng-required="cc_tnc != true" form-blur>
<label id="cc_tnc_label" for="cc_tnc" class="fake-label">
<i id="cc_tnc_cbx"></i> <p>I have read and agree to <a href="@Model.TermsUrl" target="_blank">terms and conditions</a></p>
<span class="error-msg error-tnc" ng-show="{{ formName }}.cc_tnc.$touched && {{ formName }}.cc_tnc.$error.required">
You must agree to the Terms and Conditions to make a purchase
<ng-include src="'ticketing/competition_checkboxes.html'"></ng-include>
Form Blur directive
directive('formBlur', function(setErrorState) {
//set element on dirty
return {
restrict: 'A,E',
require: ['^form'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var form = scope[ctrl[0].$name];
element.bind('blur', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
console.log("Error in blur");
form[].$touched = true;
setErrorState(element, form[].$valid);
scope.$watch(form.$name + '.' + + '.$valid', function(validity) {
console.log("In watch");
if (form[].$touched)
setErrorState(element, validity);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 369
Reputation: 1468
Change ng-required="compCbx.checkRequired"
to required="compCbx.checkRequired"
I don't know why it is working ;)
Upvotes: 1