Amr Rahmy
Amr Rahmy

Reputation: 13

twitter streaming API java search by date

I made a twitter application and got application settings and access token.

I can use the official java library hbc-core and hbc-twitter4j or's twitter4j.

for example, I want to search for all(the ones in the streaming API) posts with hashtag #hashtagname on 2016-02-13 (date is within one week of request). I want to return tweet id, user id, number of retweets, and number of replies

Upvotes: 1

Views: 424

Answers (1)

Jonathan Portorreal
Jonathan Portorreal

Reputation: 2836

I would recommend using twitters/hbc quickstart. You need to have maven installed. Then you can just git install the quickstart and run the sample app with:

mvn install && mvn exec:java -pl hbc-example -Dconsumer.key=XYZ -Dconsumer.secret=SECRET -Daccess.token=ABC -Daccess.token.secret=ABCSECRET

and putting your credentials after the = in quotes. If you look at the source code to this you can use this code as a playground to get a the hang of how to use this client with Twitters API. Then just look into the code examples and pick what you need to achieve the functionality you're looking for and combine that with the endpoints you would need from twitter, specifically these to search for hashtags and obtain json like so

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Upvotes: 1

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