Reputation: 3
I turn in circles and after much research, I seek your expertise on this small case. I can send the result of a PS1 script to a text file, but not to a batch file variable.
the script
$EmplacementFichier = [string]
$EmplacementFichier = "$Fic"
$MonFichier = get-content -totalcount 1 $EmplacementFichier
$Resultat = $MonFichier.SubString(92,12)
$RnmFic = "EXANTE_$resultat.REPRESTI.txt"
rename-item $EmplacementFichier -newname $RnmFic
Write-Output $RnmFic
Launched from a batch file:
powershell D:\Rnm-Exante.ps1 -fic "%NOMFIC%" > %Fichier%
It creates a file "%Fichier%" at the location of the script, but does not provide the batch variable.
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Views: 141
Reputation: 56228
from batch, you can read the file:
<file.ext set /p "var="`
or you can get the output of your powershell script directly (do not redirect to a file in this case):
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell D:\Rnm-Exante.ps1 -fic "%NOMFIC%"') do set "var=%%a"
Upvotes: 1