Reputation: 2207
I am using QuickBlox SDK from follwing refrence
In Sample chat I am also making Group video chat . but When I Update particular tag With the help of below code. Than I am unable to see the updated value in my quickblox admin panel. If some one update the tag name than Please suggest me. I am using below code
QBUUser *qbUser = [QBUUser user];
qbUser.ID = 23429378;
NSString *roomName = @"ios group";
qbUser.tags = @[roomName].mutableCopy;
NSArray *arry = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:qbUser, nil];
[QMUsersCache.instance insertOrUpdateUsers:users];
- (BFTask *)insertOrUpdateUsers:(NSArray *)users
__weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self;
return [BFTask taskFromExecutor:[BFExecutor executorWithDispatchQueue:self.queue] withBlock:^id{
__typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
NSManagedObjectContext* context = [strongSelf backgroundContext];
NSMutableArray *toInsert = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray *toUpdate = [NSMutableArray array];
//To Insert / Update
for (QBUUser *user in users)
CDUser *cachedUser = [CDUser QM_findFirstWithPredicate:IS(@"id", @(user.ID)) inContext:context];
if (cachedUser) {
QBUUser *qbCachedUser = [cachedUser toQBUUser];
if (![user.updatedAt isEqualToDate:qbCachedUser.updatedAt]) {
[toUpdate addObject:user];
else {
[toInsert addObject:user];
if (toUpdate.count > 0) {
[strongSelf updateUsers:toUpdate inContext:context];
if (toInsert.count > 0) {
[strongSelf insertUsers:toInsert inContext:context];
if (toInsert.count + toUpdate.count > 0) {
[context QM_saveToPersistentStoreAndWait];
QMSLog(@"[%@] Users to insert %tu, update %tu", NSStringFromClass([weakSelf class]), toInsert.count, toUpdate.count);
return nil;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 63
Reputation: 539
Your code is just updating users in CoreData store.
You can update only the current user from the application:
+ (QBRequest *)updateCurrentUser:(QBUpdateUserParameters *)parameters
successBlock:(nullable void (^)(QBResponse *response, QBUUser * _Nullable user))successBlock
errorBlock:(nullable QBRequestErrorBlock)errorBlock;
If you want to update other users you should do it via Admin Panel.
Sample chat related to this question. API Documentation related to this question.
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