Reputation: 14735
We're trying to find the hostname of the SCCM server that contains the packages/software that can be installed on a client by querying WMI with Get-WMIObject
. In other words the server (SCCMPackageServer
) that hosts the share with packages when you browse it with explorer like \\SCCMPackageServer\SWD\Packagex
To get the details of the client is no problem with the following query:
$ComputerName = 'MyWin7Machine'
$WMIParams = @{
ComputerName = $SCCMServer
Namespace = 'root\SMS\site_SITEID'
$Client = Get-WmiObject @WMIParams -Query "select * from sms_r_system where Name='$ComputerName'"
Solution (thanks to Narcis):
$Client = Get-WmiObject @WMIParams -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_R_System WHERE Name='$Computer' AND IPSubnets != ''"
Write-Verbose "Computer '$($Client.Name)', IPSubnets '$($Client.IPSubnets)'"
$Result = Foreach ($S in ($Client.IPSubnets | where {($_ -NE '') -and ($_ -NE '') -and
($_ -NE '') -and ($_ -NE '') -and ($_ -NE '')})) {
Write-Verbose "Check IP '$S'"
Get-WmiObject @WMIParams -Query "SELECT Displayname, SiteSystems, Value, DefaultSiteCode FROM SMS_Boundary WHERE Value = '$S'"
$Result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SiteSystems -Unique
Upvotes: 1
Views: 11001
Reputation: 151
Based on your provided details, the bellow script will return the expected list of Distribution Points where packages that may be available to them (for this they must have a deployment) should be present. I have presumed you rely on AD Site Boundaries, based on your code sample provided. Also, you need to run this on a computer with the SMS_Provider role installed.
# Define main variables:
$site = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "ROOT\SMS" -Query "Select * from SMS_ProviderLocation" | Select-Object -First 1).SiteCode
$SCCMConsoleInstallDir = (Get-ItemProperty "hklm:\software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\ConfigMgr10\setup")."UI Installation Directory"
Import-Module "$SCCMConsoleInstallDir\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1"
cd ($site + ":")
$ClientName = "MyWin7Machine"
$ClientObject = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "ROOT\SMS\site_$site" -Query "select * from SMS_R_System" | Where {$_.ADSiteName -ne $null -and $_.Name -eq $ClientName}
$ClientADSite = $ClientObject.ADSiteName
$ClientBoundary = Get-CMBoundary | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "*$ClientADSite"}
$DPs = $ClientBoundary.SiteSystems
Write-Host "The list of Distribution Points associated with the client $ClientName is the following:"
Write-Host "$DPs"
This information is available in the SCCM Console as well, and is configurable. In case you what to follow specific packages, that is a completely different topic and SCCM uses internally Content Location Requests for that. They returns as well a list of locations for the requested package; starting with LOCAL DPs and continuing with FALLBACK ones, depending on the type of CLR.
Upvotes: 1