Reputation: 560
I'm getting started with Vagrant.
I'm trying to connect to Scotch Box with MySQL Workbench.
First I did succeed to connect to mysql with a PHP script inside the box, but I can't do it with MySQL Workbench.
Here is my Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "scotch/box" "private_network", ip: "" "forwarded_port", guest: 3306, host: 3306
config.vm.hostname = "scotchbox"
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/var/www", :mount_options => ["dmode=777", "fmode=666"]
I've got the error message: "Could not connect the SSH Tunnel"
I've edited the file "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" to bind-address =
I'm on Windows 10
Thank you very much for helping me, I don't know what's wrong, everything I already read online and tried didn't worked.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 10537
Reputation: 2303
For developers using puphpet
Choose Standard TCP/IP over SSH
Parameters (Mostly default values since I did not change it)
SSH Hostname:
SSH Username: vagrant
SSH Password: vagrant
SSH Key File: C:\cygwin64\home\(username)\puphpet\sutfva\puphpet\files\dot\ssh\id_rsa
MySQL Hostname:
MySQl Server Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: 123
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 560
I found where was my issue. I wasn't using the right SSH key file...
To find the the location of your key file:
-> Execute vagrant ssh-config in your Vagrant directory.
So my config for this scotch-box:
SSH Hostname:
SSH Username: vagrant
SSH Password: vagrant
SSH Key File: your-path-here
MySQL Hostname:
MySQL Server Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: root
Upvotes: 17