Reputation: 622
I have the following piece of code:
for chunk in imagebuf.chunks_mut(4) {
let temp = chunk[0];
chunk[0] = chunk[2];
chunk[2] = temp;
For an array of 40000 u8
s, it takes about 2.5 ms on my machine, compiled using cargo build --release
The following C++ code takes about 100 us for the exact same data (verified by implementing it and using FFI to call it from rust):
for(;imagebuf!=endbuf;imagebuf+=4) {
char c=imagebuf[0];
I'm thinking it should be possible to speed up the Rust implementation to perform as fast as the C++ version.
The Rust program was built using cargo --release
, the C++ program was built without any optimization flags.
Any hints?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 146
Reputation: 89006
I cannot reproduce the timings you are getting. You probably have an error in how you measure (or I have 😉). On my machine both versions run in exactly the same time.
In this answer, I will first compare the assembly output of both, the C++ and the Rust version. Afterwards I will describe how to reproduce my timings.
I generated the assembly code with the amazing Compiler Explorer (Rust code, C++ Code). I compiled the C++ code with optimizations activated (-O3
), too, to make it a fair game (C++ compiler optimizations had no impact on the measured timings though). Here is the resulting assembly (Rust left, C++ right):
example::foo_rust: | foo_cpp(char*, char*):
test rsi, rsi | cmp rdi, rsi
je .LBB0_5 | je .L3
mov r8d, 4 |
.LBB0_2: | .L5:
cmp rsi, 4 |
mov rdx, rsi |
cmova rdx, r8 |
test rdi, rdi |
je .LBB0_5 |
cmp rdx, 3 |
jb .LBB0_6 |
movzx ecx, byte ptr [rdi] | movzx edx, BYTE PTR [rdi]
movzx eax, byte ptr [rdi + 2] | movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rdi+2]
| add rdi, 4
mov byte ptr [rdi], al | mov BYTE PTR [rdi-2], al
mov byte ptr [rdi + 2], cl | mov BYTE PTR [rdi-4], dl
lea rdi, [rdi + rdx] |
sub rsi, rdx | cmp rsi, rdi
jne .LBB0_2 | jne .L5
.LBB0_5: | .L3:
| xor eax, eax
ret | ret
.LBB0_6: |
push rbp +-----------------+
mov rbp, rsp |
lea rdi, [rip + panic_bounds_check_loc.3] |
mov esi, 2 |
call core::panicking::panic_bounds_check@PLT |
You can immediately see that C++ does in fact produce a lot less assembly (without optimization C++ produced nearly as many instruction as Rust does). I am not sure about all of the additional instructions Rust produces, but at least half of them are for bound checking. But this bound checking is, as far as I understand, not for the actual accesses via []
but just once every loop iteration. This is just for the case that the slice's length is not divisible by 4. But I guess the Rust assembly could be better still (even with bound checks).
As mentioned in the comments, you can remove bound checking by using get_unchecked()
and get_unchecked_mut()
. Note however, that this did not influence the performance in my measurements!
Lastly: you should use [&]::swap(i, j)
for chunk in imagebuf.chunks_mut(4) {
chunk.swap(0, 2);
This, again, did not notably influence performance. But it's shorter and better code.
I used this C++ code (in foocpp.cpp
extern "C" void foo_cpp(char *imagebuf, char *endbuf);
void foo_cpp(char* imagebuf, char* endbuf) {
for(;imagebuf!=endbuf;imagebuf+=4) {
char c=imagebuf[0];
I compiled it with:
gcc -c -O3 foocpp.cpp && ar rvs libfoocpp.a foocpp.o
Then I used this Rust code to measure everything:
extern crate libc;
extern crate test;
use test::black_box;
use std::time::Instant;
#[link(name = "foocpp")]
extern {
fn foo_cpp(start: *mut libc::c_char, end: *const libc::c_char);
pub fn foo_rust(imagebuf: &mut [u8]) {
for chunk in imagebuf.chunks_mut(4) {
let temp = chunk[0];
chunk[0] = chunk[2];
chunk[2] = temp;
fn main() {
let mut buf = [0u8; 40_000];
let before = Instant::now();
foo_rust(black_box(&mut buf));
println!("rust: {:?}", Instant::now() - before);
// ----------------------------------
let mut buf = [0u8 as libc::c_char; 40_000];
let before = Instant::now();
let ptr = buf.as_mut_ptr();
let end = unsafe { ptr.offset(buf.len() as isize) };
unsafe { foo_cpp(black_box(ptr), black_box(end)); }
println!("cpp: {:?}", Instant::now() - before);
The black_box()
all over the place prevents the compiler from optimizing where it isn't supposed to. I executed it with (nightly compiler):
LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LIBRARY_PATH cargo run --release
Giving me (i7-6700HQ) values like these:
rust: Duration { secs: 0, nanos: 30583 }
cpp: Duration { secs: 0, nanos: 30810 }
The times fluctuate a lot (way more than the difference between both versions). I am not exactly sure why the additional assembly generated by Rust does not result in a slower execution, though.
Upvotes: 7